booster information 240 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Heine
- last name: Gundersen
- portals:
- demozoo: profile
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Fair play to the queen by Candela
- cdc #2: Rink a Dink: REDUX by Lemon.
nfos added 13 glöps
- demo Amiga AGA Storm Rider by Focus Design [web]
- demo MacOSX Intel Chips Fish Rebleu by Danish Underpants Brigade
- demo Amiga AGA fracture by Focus Design [web] & In-Sect & Danish Underpants Brigade
- demo Amiga AGA Mo'saik by Focus Design [web]
- invitation Windows MacOSX Intel This is Revision by Danish Underpants Brigade
- demo Amiga AGA teobstrrofarfeia by Focus Design [web]
- demo invitation Windows MacOSX Intel Itch Glitch Gebis by Danish Underpants Brigade
- demo MacOSX Intel Eighty by Danish Underpants Brigade
- invitation Wild TRSAC 2010 Opening Ceremony by Danish Underpants Brigade
- wild Wild DJ 4kb MUSIC MASHUP MASTER by Danish Underpants Brigade & Loonies [web]
- 64k Amiga AGA Charger by Focus Design [web]
- demo Amiga AGA Exit Planet Bingen by Focus Design [web]
- demo Windows MacOSX Intel Via Duck by Loonies [web]
account created on the 2002-02-15 01:02:16