MazyNoc information 2 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Mikael
- last name: Alfredsson
- demo Windows schism by Noice [web]
- scali ( and everyone else with the same problem) : i think the 16 bit color problem is a setting in the controlpanel, i bet you have some setting to fastest or similar for textures, that forces them to be 16bit.. normally this isnt that noticable since the framebuffer still is 32bit, and all texture filtering is calculated in 32bit, even if the texture itself is 16.. but we make havy use of render to textureso we cant benefit from the filtering, that might give this 16 bit look..
- isokadded on the 2003-07-15 13:14:24
- demo Windows schism by Noice [web]
- strange that 16<->32bit look thing.. i guess the fallback system isn't finished yet :)
yep, your right, we use the normal dot3 bump in the fragment_program, but thats the only way i could make it single pass.. i dont know a good ( cross vendor) way to fix diffuse + colormap + specular bump in one pass. ( maybe i need to study harder :)
I dont think we that arrogant concerning the limits, have you looked at the techdemos from ATI or NVidia lately? It's a reason they are in the 25 to 60MB range.
8bit normalmaps have been fun, but they also shown to be to inaccurat for several new techniques, so that will force us to use 16bit (or even floating points), we can still pack a 2 channel 16bit into the same size as an RGBA, but not if we want to emulate hiresmodel with bumpmap techniques, becourse then we need objectspaced bumpmaps, so 3 channel 16 bit.. and if we have the ATI car, it has an area of what? 9 square meters? that means, with a 512*512 map we can simulate object as small as 5mm, if we really can pack it to every last pixel, that is often enough, but that alone will be a 4 meg map.. and normalmaps arent the easiest to pack :)
And if you want to get rid of some of the artifacts of spherical mapping you will use cubemaps, that takes 6 times as much memory as the usual 2dmap.
there are more examples but I stop there..
Yes we didn't use the size that wisely this time, but you must learn to walk before you can run.. so maybe we can use it better in future demos, but we will never be allowed to try with 12meg as maxlimit for demos.
hehe, long speech, but atleast that give you atleast my point of view on it :)
- isokadded on the 2003-07-11 01:05:20
- demo Windows schism by Noice [web]
- If you run the desktop in 16bit, and window, you will get 16bit.. and i know for a fact that many drivers are a bit buggy at some of the thigs we use, but the latest Detonator and Catalyst seems to work just fine.. Sorry that it doesnt work, even if you went through such trouble to watch it..
- isokadded on the 2003-07-09 15:34:05
- demo Windows schism by Noice [web]
- the bump is mainly made in fragment_programs.. i know that gf3 can handle atleast diffuse bumpmap in a single pass ( the goat at the beginning should have that ) and for the other scenes, blame me, i was lasy and only made a single fallbackpath to texture+light.. The good news on the other hand is that we might provide an update that lets the gf3,gf4 users to look at the demo with bumpmap as well, but then again, im lazy, so we'll se about that :)
- isokadded on the 2003-07-09 14:14:26
- demo Windows schism by Noice [web]
- Hi all, and thanks for watching the demo.
You that have actual problems to run it, if its not to much trouble for you, please send me a mail containing
* when the demo crached ( directly after hitting 'run', at some specific % loading level, or the last thing you saw on the screen ).
* Your HW info, and possible gfx driver version.
We maybe patch this demo, maybe not, but we will take the knowledge to our next one. - isokadded on the 2003-07-09 10:10:14
- demo Windows captured dream team by Plastic [web] & Floppy
- Since when is a simple reflection raytracing?
- isokadded on the 2002-09-14 17:27:31
- demo Windows captured dream team by Plastic [web] & Floppy
- Damn slow.. I have to tell the swedish Plastic that someone releases demos in their name, and slow a slow one also :-)
- isokadded on the 2002-07-28 18:38:37
account created on the 2002-07-10 16:26:41