[self-ban] information 542 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name:
- last name:
- 4k Windows anorgatronikum by Calodox
- D'oh!
- rulezadded on the 2009-02-06 20:24:50
- demo Linux Windows BITS#6004 Moire Lines by BITS [web]
- I want you off the fucking set you prick. No, don't just be sorry, think for one fucking second. What the fuck are you doing? Are you professional or not? Do I fucking walk around and rip- no, shut the fuck up Bruce, do I-no! No! Don't shut me up. Am I going to walk around and rip your fucking lighs down? In the middle of a scene? Then why the fuck are you walking right through? a-tada-tada like this in the background, what the fuck is it with you? What don't you fucking understand? You got any fucking idea about- Hey! It's fucking distracting having somebody walking up behind bryce in the middle of the fucking scene. Gimme a fucking answer. What don't you get about it? ... fuck sake man you're amateur... you've got something to say to this prick? Well somebody's should be watching him and keeping an eye on him. It's the second time that he doesn't give a fuck about what is going on in front of the camera. Alright? I'm trying to fucking do a scene here and I'm going why the fuck is Shane walking in there? What is he doing there? Do you understand? My mind is not in the scene if you're doing that. Stay off the fucking set man, for fuck's set. Right let's go again. Let's not take a fucking minute, let's go again. And let's not have you fucking walking in... You're unbelievable man, you're un-fucking-believable. The number of times you stroll in the fucking background. I've never had a DP behave like this. You don't fucking understand what its like working with actors. That's what that is. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. You wouldn't have done that otherwise. I'm gonna fucking kick your fucking ass if you don't shut up for a second, alright? I'm gonna go, do you want me to go and trash your lights? Do you want me to fucking trash them? Then why are you trashing my scene? You do it one more time, and I wain't walking back to set if you're still hired... seriously man - you and me, we're fucking done professionaly.... fucking ass.
- sucksadded on the 2009-02-06 18:32:56
- invitation Animation/Video Numerica ArtParty#2 Invitation by Cocoon [web]
- Lorem Ipsum.
- rulezadded on the 2009-02-04 21:29:30
- demotool Windows OldSkoolDemoMaker
- Necrotizing fasciitis.
- sucksadded on the 2009-02-04 16:46:44
- dentro Windows Dentrinanum by Otinanum [web]
- Sad.
- sucksadded on the 2009-02-04 13:24:28
- demo Windows Fall Equals Winter by Replay
- What sagacity said + thumb.
- rulezadded on the 2009-02-03 23:34:24
- demo Windows ix by Moppi Productions
- No, you are wrong.
- rulezadded on the 2009-02-03 22:50:55
- intro Atari ST BITS#56 -unlimited blobs- by BITS [web]
- Great.
- sucksadded on the 2009-02-03 17:00:55
- 64k Windows please the cookie thing by Aardbei [web]
- Quote:
Well boasting about a first class honours degree in Comp Sci with awards and a job at a market leading graphics chip manufacturer would be quite crude so I won't go there.
Good, because that doesn't say shit. The discussion is silly so please don't continue :) - isokadded on the 2009-02-03 00:38:13
- demo Atari ST BITS#12 by BITS [web]
- Oh well, it's a long road to the next CDC.
- sucksadded on the 2009-02-02 13:15:51
account created on the 2001-10-03 15:03:49