rudi information 1410 glöps

bbs topics opened 83 topics
- Easy lookup/access to members in "an array" of different datatypes if possible (code)
- HD Data Recovery (offtopic)
- Seminars (parties)
- discussing oldschool demoeffects (code)
- Random image ninja thread (residue)
- octaves in the mod fileformat (code)
- How many demo are made for the Macintosh 128K? (offtopic)
- projected dot-cube in assembler (code)
- TMDC demos ready yet? (residue)
- the f... assembler again (code)
- time is fucked (offtopic)
- PRNG's (code)
- Favorite pouet.logo thread (offtopic)
- Tips for x86 assembly-language reference manuals (not Intel manuals) (code)
- a little about and the demoscene news (offtopic)
- Tragedy in Norway (offtopic)
- plasma effect (code)
- Assembler in DOS. (code)
- impulse tracker intro code (code)
- oldschool demoeffect (code)
- Casio CFX-9850GP Calculator (code)
- UnOfficial Results from X2010 (parties)
- A list of oldschool demoeffects... (code)
- pouet features? (general)
- name of a dos intro? (general)
- 40k intros on Amiga (general)
- modules music - what artist? (general)
- Interpolation in adaptive sub-sampling? (general)
- propper naming for your classes? (general)
- Amiga CD32 (offtopic)
- ripper.exe? (general)
- Win32 API coding: A Wrapper class for Window Creation (general)
- When's next PAiN issue to be released? (general)
account created on the 2008-05-06 01:05:29