Nezbie information 1416 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Daniel
- last name: Talagrand
- portals:
- slengpung: pictures
bbs posts 289 posts
- Demo In Paris Live TONIGHT (parties)
- San Francisco pubmeet near Google I/O 5/18-5/20ish (general)
- Come to Massachusetts, get teabagged: New info on @party site! (general)
- Help with my very first shader program (general)
- Windows 7 64 Bit Random Stuff (general)
- Refactoring tools (general)
- BSP trees and your mom. (general)
- Planning a new NA demoparty (general)
- The Demoscene is Beautiful! Blockparty 2009 (general)
- Games you must play before you die (residue)
- Yet another... platform (general)
- You still wanna go to space? Allow me to put you off the idea! (general)
- TMDC XI (general)
- A question for Germans about games! (general)
- Will you buy new Nintendo DSi??? (general)
- ZINE - The Radio Show (general)
- Random image thread (residue)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- Demos at nvision (general)
- HELP! 4k problems (general)
- Demos at nvision (general)
- HELP! 4k problems (general)
- HELP! 4k problems (general)
- Demos at nvision (general)
- What Computers Do You Own??? (offtopic)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- Demo Kiosk project for NVScene (general)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- OpenGL 3.0 (general)
- NVScene 2008! (general)
- Demovibes - electronic grooves from the bigscreen (music)
- Numerica is back : March 2009, 1st, France (parties)
- I am a masochist (general)
- I am a masochist (general)
- Graphicians: 256bytes pouët logo! (general)
- Stuff you must code before you die (general)
- Stuff you must code before you die (general)
- Crysis dx10 on windows xp?! (general)
- Crysis dx10 on windows xp?! (general)
- Experience with Google Summer of Code, anyone? (general)
- What was the coolest prize you won at a party?? (general)
- Best Scene related podcasts (general)
- Anonymous: HTF? (general)
- Your plans for 2008 (general)
- Feature suggestion (general)
- Crysis dx10 on windows xp?! (general)
- I am a masochist (general)
- Crysis dx10 on windows xp?! (general)
- I am a masochist (general)
account created on the 2001-10-31 02:00:17