mantratronic information 447 glöps

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- demo TIC-80 Under The Sea by Slipstream [web]
- i see sheep i thumb up!
- rulezadded on the 2024-01-19 12:25:09
- demotool TIC-80 mulTIColor by Rift
- Quote:
Interesting! I thought the palette of these fantasy computers were fixed for some reason. Probably through watching too many lovebyte prods. The “change some colors every scanline” to approximate an aroginal pixture is a huge rabbit hole. I was down it for a year trying all kinds of things. Getting a pleasant looking vertical continuity from one scanline to the next being what bugged me the most. Would be cool to see some elaboration on how it is done here.
There's two things here, first we separate the image into an image per line, and use imagemagick (or similar, the tool lets you choose from a few options) to compress that line into 31 colours, and then it saves the palette per line and pixels into the generated code.
The tic80 side of the tool is taking that data, using the BDR(l) function to change the palette of both the background vbank (16 colours) and foreground (15 and a transparent colour) per line. I can't remember doing anything clever with the colour choice here, just put the first 16 into the background etc, and then set all the 0-15 pixels in vbank(0) and 16-30 in vbank(1) from the data block. It's not fast, but you can do some memcpy tricks to speed it up if you want something moving. The tic80 allowing you to set every colour to a RGB888 per scanline is a huge advantage over the pico8's "choose 16 of 32 possible colours" here, as is the 31 colours per scanline.
If you have a play with mulTIColor you'll see this is better for some images and not others, anything with a smooth horizontal fade or lots of very different colours won't have great results, with odd artifacts (like tobach's bright blue tshirt having a small horizontal bar on it in the screenshot) being introduced. - isokadded on the 2023-10-06 16:15:56
- demo Windows JavaScript Bouncer by mfx [web]
- Please give me brain back.
- rulezadded on the 2023-10-01 11:36:42
- demo JavaScript Das Färjan by Proxima Centauri [web]
- best farjan by far, even ignoring it's a fast demo, the direction and thought behind it is good. it's one of the few times i've laughed (the eurorack control panels taking the piss out of movies using synth gear for random-scifi-tech) and then felt incredibly guilty given the Estonia reference with the car deck door flooding. this is proper dark humour and i want more basscadet demos.
- rulezadded on the 2023-09-01 22:35:15
- demo TIC-80 Ignite by TEOS & Jumalauta [web]
- good, and an especially clever 3-sample (?) blur, but a lot of reuse from your asm demo
- rulezadded on the 2023-09-01 22:27:28
- demo Windows Orpo I by Jumalauta [web]
- fuck nazis, may they fight each other and the government collapse
- rulezadded on the 2023-09-01 22:25:55
- demo TIC-80 Compo Filler Megademo by McBurrobit
- some parts of this, like the twister and the environment mapping, were very impressive, but others like the starfield + transparent cube felt a bit rushed. i imagine that was from party coding, and the shear amount you seem to have coded at the party is amazing! i'm normally not a fan of scrollers, but the story that gets told in this one is good and funny, and you keep the tempo of it up through out the demo which is great. the last two scenes were particularly funny
also props for having ascii art *in* the code :) - rulezadded on the 2023-08-07 22:43:04
- demo TIC-80 Rise by TEOS
- lots of fun :) good effects, the subtle use of the scanline palette tricks in the twister scene is especially nice, and good music too!
- rulezadded on the 2023-08-07 11:58:51
- demo PICO-8 ne on demonei
- love the aesthetic of this, and i will always thumb for donuts
- rulezadded on the 2023-08-07 11:11:43
- demo JavaScript Mundane Institute by mikucom
- stylish af, i am all for the 90s aesthetic and putting yourselves into 640x480 worked great
- rulezadded on the 2023-08-06 00:14:49
account created on the 2010-07-26 10:22:19