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looking for someone with massive collection of prods from Polish Demoscene.

category: general [glöplog]
Does anyone of you guys know anyone who has huge collection
of prods from Polish demoscene, mid to late 90s?
Prods I'm looking for:

- Commander Culp 2, 3, 4 (packed with .arj animations .fli files mailswapped
around Polish demoscene 96 to 97.. I think filenames are Culp#2.arj, Culp#3.arj and so on. Cortez of Amnesty used to have them back then)

- Wildest Dreams (animation joke demi with guy on the motorcycle going on the rampage, Released under my old group Mosaic! at Rush Hour, Quast, or IO5. It was released as extra prod so its not listed in the results file. music by Revisq, code by Cash)

- Necroflash or Necroflesh (slideshow by Grinders released at Quast)

added on the 2013-10-05 22:37:13 by Forcer Forcer
Prods from "pre-web" times that weren't spread (say, outside a certain country) and didn't make it to party packs means that the only source is individuals who still have them physically.

Kestra/BitWorld loves demos so if you have them please submit them here! :)
added on the 2013-10-06 01:26:56 by Photon Photon
Here is the link again in plain text because the link generator seems to be not working at the moment.

added on the 2013-10-06 01:34:04 by Photon Photon


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