start writing some stuff on mac
category: code [glöplog]
What is a possible good start coding some visual 2d/3d-stuff on the mac. My only programming background is Actionscript 3. Any tips?
OpenGL + C + NeHe Tutorials.
Resist the urge to write a big framework - just get started by throwing polygons on screen.
glVertex3f is perfectly fine for a start, no need to get into GL extensions at the begining.
Write small, fun stuff and work on polishing them a bit.
Once you are comfortable with things you can think about creating a library of useful functions that you use often.
Resist the urge to write a big framework - just get started by throwing polygons on screen.
glVertex3f is perfectly fine for a start, no need to get into GL extensions at the begining.
Write small, fun stuff and work on polishing them a bit.
Once you are comfortable with things you can think about creating a library of useful functions that you use often.
OpenGL + C + NeHe Tutorials.
No. Those things are like 15 years old and will only teach you how to drown.
Processing is great for getting the hang of it. You get results quickly and don't need to worry about all the other stuff.
Write small, fun stuff and work on polishing them a bit.
This, however, is very good advice.
@gaspode: use whatever gives you the most fun/satisfaction in the shortest amount of time. This will be different for everybody, so try a few frameworks posted in this thread.
Thanks for the links and advises so far.
- Processing:
Looked into it for a few days now. Searched in addition through pouet regarding processing. It seems it is not really acknowledged as a scripting language because you need a plugin to run its »demos«. Btw. are there any real demos dome with processing out there? Didn't find anything here on pouet.
- MAX & Cinder:
Those seems interesting. Never heard of them. Thanks for the links.
- NodeBox:
Flash has a problem with performance I think. I don't know if Processing has the same problems.
Yeah, it's always good to remember that. Thanks.
- Processing:
Looked into it for a few days now. Searched in addition through pouet regarding processing. It seems it is not really acknowledged as a scripting language because you need a plugin to run its »demos«. Btw. are there any real demos dome with processing out there? Didn't find anything here on pouet.
- MAX & Cinder:
Those seems interesting. Never heard of them. Thanks for the links.
- NodeBox:
Flash has a problem with performance I think. I don't know if Processing has the same problems.
Write small, fun stuff and work on polishing them a bit.
Yeah, it's always good to remember that. Thanks.
It seems it is not really acknowledged as a scripting language because you need a plugin
Not 100% correct:
- Processing 1.x will produce you Java applets to embed in websites.
- Processing 2.x will produce you either standalone executables or canvas effects (via ProcessingJS)
And this standalone executables need no java-plugin? Just asking because flash-standalones also need the flash-player-plugin.
gaspode: I would recommend you sign up for the beta here.
I made a few demos on processing and IIRC some tAAt guys as well, at least.
I made a few demos on processing and IIRC some tAAt guys as well, at least.
gaspode: pouet has processing prods
- Coffee
- Sunflower
- We
- Mis kittens (awesome cat heads. best out of the four)
This is also made with processing and in my opinion easily the best one made using it, among my overall favorites even.
Xcode + openFrameworks might not be a bad call, either. It's speedy compiled native code, which Processing doesn't give you. I really like Processing and use it for all sorts of experiments and converters, but its reliance on Java is a sad thing.
as with many things i suppose the answer depends a bit more on what you intend to do with the stuff you make.
certainly a good start may be to download and install XCode from the Mac App Store, start a new project and then follow the steps from the developer docs on setting up OpenGL and rendering some triangles (here's step by step in the docs
certainly a good start may be to download and install XCode from the Mac App Store, start a new project and then follow the steps from the developer docs on setting up OpenGL and rendering some triangles (here's step by step in the docs
sorry i forgot to bbcode that action, here's the link OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac - Drawing to a Window or View
oh Luis mentioned Cinder, i'll recommend that too! that may be a nicer way to start as you could find a sample to serve as a starting point. there's a bunch of samples included with Cinder and lots more on the githubs.
If you want to start learning about shaders (and also get a good feel for how node-graph rendering works), install Quartz Composer.
To find it, install xcode, open the Xcode menu, pick "open developer tool" and then "more developer tools". Install the Graphics Tools for Xcode package.
It's basically apple's version of werkzeug - similar way of working at least. You can add code to it with the Javascript node, and you can write shaders with either Core Image Filter or GLSL Shader nodes.
Core Image Filter is an awesome starting point. It's basically "glsl lite", a simplified version of GLSL that works purely in 2D. Nice and easy to learn, and easy to get lots of 2D effects running on the GPU.
GLSL Shader is full GLSL (but only up to version 130 or something if I remember right). You need some object inside that node for it to shade - add a GLSL Grid node to get started. You can learn the mysteries of the vertex and fragment shaders with this :)
To find it, install xcode, open the Xcode menu, pick "open developer tool" and then "more developer tools". Install the Graphics Tools for Xcode package.
It's basically apple's version of werkzeug - similar way of working at least. You can add code to it with the Javascript node, and you can write shaders with either Core Image Filter or GLSL Shader nodes.
Core Image Filter is an awesome starting point. It's basically "glsl lite", a simplified version of GLSL that works purely in 2D. Nice and easy to learn, and easy to get lots of 2D effects running on the GPU.
GLSL Shader is full GLSL (but only up to version 130 or something if I remember right). You need some object inside that node for it to shade - add a GLSL Grid node to get started. You can learn the mysteries of the vertex and fragment shaders with this :)
Oh, thanks for the lot of tips. :) Questions is how hard it is to learn C++. What I liked about Flash back in the days was, that you get something interesting on your screen really quick. So I thought processing might be a good way to move on. It's not so good if I had to read through several books on C++ before getting something on the screen. I want to learn step by step with small visual projects.
It's not so much about C++ but rather about the libraries / tools you use. Most general-purpose high-level languages don't come with their own dedicated graphics library, unlike ActionScript (I imagine), Processing or whatever language there might be that focusses on generating graphics - of course this simplifies getting into the fun a lot. C++ itself is simple, but you have to pick a framework / library to work with, because the language itself does of course not offer any graphics capabilities.
Try different things out? Give yourself an hour or two with c/c++, processing, etc. and a tutorial or 2. See which you get on with best, and which you think will be better long term.
As a general pointer, I'd say a simple tool like quartz composer gives you fast results, rapid learning of some important stuff, and it'll be a lot more fun. But you'll hit the limits of what you can do with it fast and need to move on sooner (I learnt a lot from QC as a beginner, then learned C - now I use it to prototype shaders, not much else). I don't regret starting with QC instead of C at all though. The things I learned with that tool inform a lot of the coding I do now.
As a general pointer, I'd say a simple tool like quartz composer gives you fast results, rapid learning of some important stuff, and it'll be a lot more fun. But you'll hit the limits of what you can do with it fast and need to move on sooner (I learnt a lot from QC as a beginner, then learned C - now I use it to prototype shaders, not much else). I don't regret starting with QC instead of C at all though. The things I learned with that tool inform a lot of the coding I do now.