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Graphic designers and Musicians how do you get back your imagination and motivation?

category: residue [glöplog]
Hello world!

After changing job and moved to a different house, I lost my imagination and motivation to draw.

I used to take a bit of a magic pill too: St John's wort which is an antidepressant and Ginseng which is a stimulant. But I'm sure there are others ways to get into actions and have ideas.

What are your tips on this subject please?
don't stress about it and keep trying something for atleast 15 minutes every single day.

or just take a break for a few weeks.

drugs are never the answer, just a shortcut with some after effects.
added on the 2012-12-17 19:34:53 by psenough psenough
I heard from various and serious relations that these pills are far from being creativity best friends.
Reading a lot of something good in a short time gives me a huge creative boost but it doesn't last long.
added on the 2012-12-17 20:02:58 by FreeFull FreeFull
A lot of practice. Just force yourself to do stuff on a regular basis even if you don't really feel like it. Practice scales. Cover a song, try to replicate a synth sound/recreate a drawing. Find a new technique of some kind and try it and see where it leads you. Even if it seems endlessly boring when you do it, it gives you experience that will come in handy when inspiration actually hits you.
added on the 2012-12-17 20:20:03 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
you dont!
added on the 2012-12-17 21:11:22 by el mal el mal
Also, moving to a new place AND changing job happened to me and indeed, it's a creativity killer as well.

Relax. It's nothing important... I don't mean your creations are not important but seriously, creating ISNT important AT ALL... once you understand that, you start experiencing something "different", couldn't explain but if you understand this it might help you going back to creating things.
NO! don't listen to these people! just smoke lots of weed!
added on the 2012-12-19 14:21:43 by aegis aegis
It's always a struggle between choosing to do anything else to relax from the thought that you have to do it or want to do it. And also coming back at times and actually persuade yourself to just do it for 15 minutes, basically what nitro said. Before you start, everything pushes you back because you don't exactly feel like doing it. But if you persuade to do it just for 5-10 minutes, just for that, it may start flowing and it doesn't feel so hard when creativity flows, you start liking it and you go on for an hour or so before being interrupted. Next day, I don't learn my lesson, I still need to push myself for 15 minutes, and sometimes I never do for the day even if I know it will flow well later on. So, it's a struggle and it can become complicated. But taking it lightly is good and shifting between what you feel like doing and what you should be doing and accepting it is the best I could do so far. Ok, I am just a coder but it still applies I guess.
added on the 2012-12-19 15:26:05 by Optimus Optimus
when you lose that "something", it's time to learn programming!
added on the 2012-12-19 15:37:17 by msqrt msqrt
my question is what drew? why you lost "it"? your job and location change that much a downer? anyway. recreate the circumstances in that you had your creative phase. or find a similar thing to feed your brain with inspiration. maybe that does it.
added on the 2012-12-19 15:48:05 by yumeji yumeji


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