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Does anyone know this fractal?

category: offtopic [glöplog]

I found that on ycombinator. Maybe interesting for the maths here ;)
added on the 2012-10-16 20:11:49 by Ish Ish
It reminds me of the uniform grid fractal (did some quick&dirty buggy reference here) and the wada basins (sample pic).
added on the 2012-10-16 21:22:45 by xTr1m xTr1m
it looks like a stereographic projection of a sphere. riemann-sphere or has something to do with the zeta function. maybe.
added on the 2012-10-16 23:19:05 by rudi rudi
it's my brother steve!
added on the 2012-10-16 23:27:07 by el mal el mal
Looks like a "distorted" cubic grid to me, like the ones you can see in demos such as Noumenon IIRC, except somewhat curved. Couldn't it be made realtime by cheating a bit on the rendering ? Ain't able to code that, just adding my two cents. :)
added on the 2012-10-16 23:32:28 by Korguiq Korguiq
kind of looks like this prod

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Does anyone noticed, that the guy who came up with this fractal has released an animation on the party 94 or 95 featuring a flight above an ever-changing 3d raytraced mandelbrot? It looked very good for its time.

Tried to find a link, but all the wild entries seem to be gone. :-(

Only found a still that somewhat captures the style (sans the 3d perspective and motion):

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Nice to see that he's still doing stuff.
added on the 2012-10-17 12:28:21 by torus torus
Yeah I know that guy, he's a total dick.
added on the 2012-10-17 12:54:18 by visy visy
Luis: it was 1995. Wow, you still remember that? It wasnt a mandelbrot, but yeah, it was algorithmic and in the style was similar to the image you posted.


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