How to get started?
category: general [glöplog]
Even if it's small, do it, be proud of it and show it to everyone!
I am proud of it, but showing it to everyone is what got me into trouble in the first place...
You have to quote completely. You forgot "That's demoscene" :D
just blame the demoscene for not being sufficiently interesting or attractive a proposition :)
Ahah, there's a bunch of guys who came from the scene, found no more love there and finally found love outside. Blame the scene for not thanking enough people who are creative, that's what you meant right?
maybe if you can make friends with sceners you will find it easier. it helps me anyway
you can finaly start with just starting...
combine new and own ideas, creative musics, graphics and codes...
then you're welcome. :)
combine new and own ideas, creative musics, graphics and codes...
then you're welcome. :)