POUNDS-OFF: The demoscene weight-loss platform for the lardy!
category: offtopic [glöplog]
Heh, it's funny how many of the "goals" correspond with dates for parties..
Especially MAIN :)
I approve this initiative. I've had the opposite problem though - gaining weight :)
Being (too) skinny can also be a result of a (too) unhealthy lifestyle...
We need ways to interact on the site.
TRSAC 5k is really tempting me...
Or you could just, you know, cut about this much out of your diet:

It doesnt really make much sense to show changes in the digits behind the comma. These changes are normal depending on how much you still have inside your guts. I would only show differences around 2 to 4 kg. Everything else is just spamming the database.
Salinga: Showing progress on a 2-4kg basis is not very motivating. Also - the database can handle 100 entries per day without much of a problem.
We need ways to interact on the site.
agreed.. would be nice to be able to share your progress on facebook, for example. Or maybe you could set up teams? (Or demo groups, for that matter)
salinga: that makes no sense from a motivational perspective. Clearly, you either have never been on a diet or understand the concept behind the site. :)
dfox: I know "Pounds off" sound better, but can we please switch the metric to kilograms? I'm guessing 99.5% of the users on the site use kg, not pounds. Putting pounds in the parenthesis wouldn't only change things for the better.
dfox: I know "Pounds off" sound better, but can we please switch the metric to kilograms? I'm guessing 99.5% of the users on the site use kg, not pounds. Putting pounds in the parenthesis wouldn't only change things for the better.
Just had some bars of chocolate for breakfast. I need to run now, I guess. Or wank.
gloom: pounds are only used in the statistics but i guess we should get rid of those as well and completely switch to kg. Although I don't think that people are confused with that, or are they?
plaf: teams sound like a great idea. too bad that sceneid doesn't already save that with a relationship to the pouet group id. Maybe demozoo can help there once it's launched. So teams are either going to be more complicated or we'll just wait.
I think the next logical step would be "Challenges" where people can sign up for. Like "Weight n by Christmas" or something like that. Challenges would be like "team goals" with a target-weight and date attached just like the personal goals.
plaf: teams sound like a great idea. too bad that sceneid doesn't already save that with a relationship to the pouet group id. Maybe demozoo can help there once it's launched. So teams are either going to be more complicated or we'll just wait.
I think the next logical step would be "Challenges" where people can sign up for. Like "Weight n by Christmas" or something like that. Challenges would be like "team goals" with a target-weight and date attached just like the personal goals.
Nah, I seriously doubt it - go forth and switch :)Although I don't think that people are confused with that, or are they?
In terms of future functionality, goals is clearly a good thing, but I think that it might also be very useful to track activities. Like runs, bicycling etc. Adding them manually is actually a good exercise in keeping track of your activities.
TRSAC 5k is really tempting me...
Note that the run comes with strings attatched.
It's not the 5km that will hurt you ... it's the Strafschnapps right after finishing that will :D
And yes, in matters of weight it's actually the eating habbits that make the biggest difference
to stay at or reach the normal weight ( i.e. height in cm / 100 ).
Our society literally is hooked on sugar or even worse, sugar-substitutes which trick one into
eating more.
And another good thing is to change transportation habbits as well. That is, if the destination is
inside a, say, 5km radius and you don't have to haul cargo ... walk the fuck!
IIRC according to Swedish Atariscene tradition, a man should be over 100 kg, otherwise he's just a boy. I wonder if this will change. :D Also, I wonder if Havoc will start doing 200 push-ups in the morning.
dodge: if you measure in intake volume and adverse effects, sugars are way worse for you than sugar substitutes. Also -- this :)
Salinga: I lost 12 kg since the beginning of april.. The last 3 months, all those have been in 0.4-0.2 "bursts".. So yes, it does make sense to show those..
0,5 to 1 kg are normal fluctuations in smoeones weight, even heigher. On some days I weight 90kg, on some 92, on some 88kg. Feeling some kind of success just because you lost 0,5 kg is pretty much fooling yourself. Recording these fluctuations is just spamming. The database should only allow entering weight changes of 1kg and above over the last recorded value. And I think it should be motivational, that you actually have to reach a certain goal until you can "pronounce" it to the public. Otherwise it just becomes daily routine to record 0.5 plus on one day and 0.5 minus on the other (the latter probably rarely will happen ;)).
In terms of future functionality, goals is clearly a good thing, but I think that it might also be very useful to track activities. Like runs, bicycling etc. Adding them manually is actually a good exercise in keeping track of your activities.
Websites like Endomondo have already perfected this. I just have to push a button on my phone when I start and stop, and it tracks *everything* for me. Pulling activities/weight from there would be great though.
Again: you clearly don't understand the psychology behind allowing people to enter those 0.5 minus values. Not only that, but you also clearly have no understanding of the fact that a modern database is perfectly capable of handling a few values without choking. This isn't eBay -- this is a tool for demosceners to lose weight. Get your perspectives in order :)
That's why I mentioned both. You're right ofcourse in matters of volume.
Both fuck up your system in their own way. The refined sugar contributes to the
chronical acidosis and the substitutes set your trigger enzymes AWIRE so that
the saturation indication goes bust ( including that PR effect you linked :D ).
Thus, a major health/weight issue is to get back to an acid-alkaline balance.
That's why I mentioned both. You're right ofcourse in matters of volume.
Both fuck up your system in their own way. The refined sugar contributes to the
chronical acidosis and the substitutes set your trigger enzymes AWIRE so that
the saturation indication goes bust ( including that PR effect you linked :D ).
Thus, a major health/weight issue is to get back to an acid-alkaline balance.
revival: I know, but AFAIK there is no API to add these things automatically. It's a good thing that Endomondo allows you do keep track, but it's also a good thing to actually sit down at the end of the day and physically entering the values. It feels good.
It's like writing -- the only way to be good at it is to write a lot. :)
It's like writing -- the only way to be good at it is to write a lot. :)
Feeling some kind of success just because you lost 0,5 kg is pretty much fooling yourself.
Dude you are so wrong :-) Of course you're right that tracking fluctuations below a certain threshold really doesn't matter, BUT, when you're losing weight you have to CARE about those number EVERY FUCKING DAY, or you're going to loose sight of what you're doing and FAIL.
I set a goal to loose around 10kg before TRSAC, and nothing would be more demotivating to me than only being allowed to update my numbers 2 or 3 times before then.
The campaign sure would give a whole new meaning to 64k(g) competition, though not sure what that compo would entail :)
I think the next logical step would be "Challenges" where people can sign up for. Like "Weight n by Christmas" or something like that. Challenges would be like "team goals" with a target-weight and date attached just like the personal goals.
I like this idea - some have mentioned that endomondo already has this, and that's as may be .. it doesn't mean we can't also have it. The main thing about this site is - I think - to have a place where you can commit yourself, to help with motivation :) It's much harder to quit a diet or an exercise scheme, when the whole world is watching :)