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Outline 2011

category: parties [glöplog]
My favourite Outline feature: You can take a shower any time you damn well please.

And people do.
added on the 2011-06-16 20:32:11 by revival revival

First of all, I'm not sad for your decision, I hope it will give you more time to come join the party and have fun with the rest of us :).

On another note, thanks for doing the invisible work of the parties all these years. I can only imagine what happens during the compos, but I'm pretty sure that's a very stressful time for you and the rest of the team. Hell, all the times I submitted an entry, regardless of platform, everything was sorted out one way or the other and went smoothly. I don't think I ever gave you hard time but if I did, I sincerely apologize.

That aside, I really hope the party will find competent people like you to continue the tradition of a smooth party.

Here's to more successful editions of Outline :)
added on the 2011-06-16 20:40:24 by --- ---
It's lame, it's cliched, but totally go with what George said!
added on the 2011-06-16 22:49:37 by CiH CiH
@deltafire: I know that it's easier to listen to people that complain than to listen to people that don't ( you'll never hear from them at that time :) ) and I shure will be there next year. I'm getting to enjoy the party and really talk with people :) can't wait until next party!! We'll have a beer!

@m0d: Dude, you've been a real friend during the party and did some real stresstesting. Can say it often enough, you did a great job!! We'll have a beer!

@dwarf: Thanks for your putting things into another perspective, some even made me laugh. :) We definately have a beer!

@rasmus: I know, but at that particular moment you just don't think of that and things start building up so you might guess what I need to do at that moment? We need a beer!

@dipswitch: That was one of the least problems we had and you managed anyhow/anyway to make you play your set which I unfortunately didn't hear. I really like that you're playing the easy-laid-back reaggaestyle esp. when it's a sunny day. Next year we need to drink a beer!

@fiveofive: I can understand that it's a big no-no to run demo's in an emulator on an Atari party and afterwards I feel bad for making that decision, but then again at that moment it was the best solution. And I agree on other people saying that the Atari demo's should be shown as last because that is the highlight of the party and there are enough pc-demo parties if you want to see pc-demo's as last. I just wanted to say thanks for your entries this year as always very very good entries! For next time/year we meet I think we need to drink a beer ! :)

@baah: Maybe you didn't realize it but when you sat down at the compodesk and helped us with checking your entry on the Atari STe you did us a great favour with helping checking. You deserve the credits on this one. No need to be carefull for that! In stead I think we need to drink a beer the next time we meet and can laugh about this :)

@numtek: We shurely need to drink a beer!

@ggn: You still roxxor! :) creating a game while the party lasted! when can we play the finished prod. ( on the real hardware ofcourse, next to a beer that we're drinking ;) )
added on the 2011-06-16 23:15:11 by D-Force D-Force
For all others:

I my eyes Outline is one of the better Atari party available of high quality and still growing each year. I still will be available for consulting on what to do in some situations and giving advise on electrics and/or networking but most of all I need to drink some beers at Outline and get acquainted with people that are visiting. I really don't know all and that's something I've been lacking the last years.
Thank you visitors for creating such a great party every year :)
added on the 2011-06-16 23:22:56 by D-Force D-Force
video of first part of my outline set - thx to TMC
added on the 2011-06-19 21:19:17 by dipswitch dipswitch
dforce, hats off for kicking so much ass for so many years.
added on the 2011-06-20 07:35:03 by skrebbel skrebbel
which reminds me. i don't get this dutch "humor" of saying tacky quotes from movies - why is that fun?
fuck you asshole
added on the 2011-06-20 11:59:35 by farfar farfar
(that's a movie quote) =)
added on the 2011-06-20 13:39:31 by farfar farfar
nu er jeg sur! :)
It look's like someone has a case of the Mondays!
added on the 2011-06-20 13:47:43 by okkie okkie
added on the 2011-06-20 14:11:45 by Puryx Puryx
A Dutchman once repeated some tacky quotes from movies at me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
added on the 2011-06-20 14:22:46 by gasman gasman
No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.
added on the 2011-06-20 14:25:28 by infant infant
game over man, game over!
added on the 2011-06-20 17:19:23 by el mal el mal
She says the jungle, it just came alive and took him.
added on the 2011-06-20 18:58:09 by numtek numtek
Hasta la vista baby!
added on the 2011-06-20 19:12:29 by havoc havoc
At leat you are quoting good movies :-)
added on the 2011-06-20 19:23:24 by maytz maytz
I reject your reality and substitute my own!

- there.. i broke that good-movie combo :)
added on the 2011-06-20 20:31:38 by booster booster
added on the 2011-06-20 20:42:50 by okkie okkie
"Captain, I Can't Duuu it! I Don't Have The Powerrr!!
added on the 2011-06-20 22:15:03 by D-Force D-Force
I live to see you eat that contract, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your god-damn spine!
added on the 2011-06-20 23:11:49 by farfar farfar
It's a trap!
added on the 2011-06-22 10:42:25 by chromag chromag


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