Looking for a group!
category: general [glöplog]
I'm looking for a small group to join as a coder.
Dont bother me with OpenGL please.
You can find me quite often in #szene.ger on IRCNet.
Dont bother me with OpenGL please.
You can find me quite often in #szene.ger on IRCNet.
And i prefer doing auf-die-fresse stuff ;)
And i prefer doing auf-die-fresse stuff ;)
Aren't you in 2 groups already?
erm, nope ;) just a guest star.
EvilOne. How about we make a group together? I do graphix, design and music . Heres some handrawn stuff. made in photoshop purely with the airbrush (for challenge).

For music i need an email, due to me being contracted etc. i cant release anything on the net just like that :( . But id love to do a tune for a demo.
If others are interrested i can be reached at noahdk@hotmail.com (and please sign me up for penis enlargement programs, that is what i use this mail for anyway...so if you want me to actually see the mail. start subject with DEMOGROUP :))
Oh and evil one. sorry for nicking your thread if youre not interrested. props..
For music i need an email, due to me being contracted etc. i cant release anything on the net just like that :( . But id love to do a tune for a demo.
If others are interrested i can be reached at noahdk@hotmail.com (and please sign me up for penis enlargement programs, that is what i use this mail for anyway...so if you want me to actually see the mail. start subject with DEMOGROUP :))
Oh and evil one. sorry for nicking your thread if youre not interrested. props..
besides... a 2 person group is as small as it gets innit? ^__^
I wouldn't mind joining a new group either. But who wants a wacko designmusiccode dude anyway.
Hmmm, advertise here was a bad idea ;-(
Sorry EvilOne, it's purpose was mainly to show you what i had to offer to a new group. I guess you arent interrested, wich is fair enough, but i thought i might aswell use 1 single thread to show off rather than everybody looking for a crew making each their own thread.
Tomaes. the offer stands to you aswell :)
Tomaes. the offer stands to you aswell :)
iblis, are you interested about enter in a demogroup "only" for 2d gfx-making ?
iblis, that was not meant to offend you. Sorry.
None taken mate, no worries. I understand if you feel like i was pissing on your parade, but i werent :)
I still think it would be kool to make a new group, pushing out dark, edgy, fast pased drum'n'bass stuff :D
I still think it would be kool to make a new group, pushing out dark, edgy, fast pased drum'n'bass stuff :D
I want to join too.
here is a picture I have made:

Also, could we name the group "Lålålålålålllålålålipåpp"?
here is a picture I have made:

Also, could we name the group "Lålålålålålllålålålipåpp"?
kusma, show me your ear!
the scene needs another "new group, pushing out dark, edgy, fast pased drum'n'bass stuff"! we are rapidly running out of good boom boom boom demos now that everyone went so commercial and serious and dead, or pretending to be doing a _real_ demo now *cof*plek*cof*!
yes we defnitly need more new groups with more boom boom boom demos.
yes we defnitly need more new groups with more boom boom boom demos.
what will happen to the scene without them even... its dark days these we live in.. *sigh*
Ps..what on earth does DNB has to do with boomboomboom?? Its more like Boom tchack tsktskBoom tchack ...ROOOAAAARRRGROOOWWL (Thebass) Boomboom tchack etc...
Besides show me just 1 fair demo feat a proper floor DNB tune except Predator. Wich feats a nice, but pretty outdated (compared to the dnb scene sound of today) sounding tune by the man LB.
Kusma...nah mate. i think its fugly sorry. Youll just have to stick to excess there. :)
Besides show me just 1 fair demo feat a proper floor DNB tune except Predator. Wich feats a nice, but pretty outdated (compared to the dnb scene sound of today) sounding tune by the man LB.
Kusma...nah mate. i think its fugly sorry. Youll just have to stick to excess there. :)
but there are shitloads other demos using dnb soundtracks man.. guess it depends alot on own definition of dnb if you find a really decent one or not.
the best one i can remember is still fr05 konsum, but that track was already legendary before they made a demo out of it..
the best one i can remember is still fr05 konsum, but that track was already legendary before they made a demo out of it..
Ps i couldnt run the demo, but the 64k had a great tune, shame about it being 64k really, i would have loved to hear that in a high quality version. But the visuals suckadanadz. It must be possible to use dnb for something else that just flashing layers and objects at an epeleptic seisure rate.
yeh you can always do this instead
that 64k was no 64k man, it was just trace desperatly trying to make a joke that led you to think it was one.. or what 64k do you mean?
that 64k was no 64k man, it was just trace desperatly trying to make a joke that led you to think it was one.. or what 64k do you mean?
the calodox one... my bad :)
That one rocks.
YM2149 + Sampled sound dnb madness..
That one rocks.
YM2149 + Sampled sound dnb madness..