Pubmeet@chipmusic gig/mini-festival: London, Sat 11th July 09
category: general [glöplog]
Since it's taking place on a nice summer Saturday in London, in a nice multi-room venue/bar, it seems sensible to use it as an excuse for a pubmeet too. Anyone who's in the area at the time - come on down! The credit-crunch-beating entry fee of £5 makes it a cheap Saturday night out in London by anyone's standards (anyone who doesn't live under a bridge drinking cans of Special Brew, at least), so it should be a good 'un.

Since it's taking place on a nice summer Saturday in London, in a nice multi-room venue/bar, it seems sensible to use it as an excuse for a pubmeet too. Anyone who's in the area at the time - come on down! The credit-crunch-beating entry fee of £5 makes it a cheap Saturday night out in London by anyone's standards (anyone who doesn't live under a bridge drinking cans of Special Brew, at least), so it should be a good 'un.

wahey! count me in :D
ah fuck. why isnt any of this ever in portugal? :(
wow, failotron is playing in london!? Gargaj will love to hear it.
i already did, actually :D i do talk to him you know :D
coo... i think i might just be able to make it along to this =)
oh wait.. hang on... parapete won't be there will he?
i'm in!!!!!!!!1111111111111
/kick evilpaul
/kick evilpaul
IF I DON'T DIE FIRST!!!!!!11111
forestcre: good news, we've agreed to cancel the hitman until AFTER the pubmeat! :D
rockadoodledo, see you guys there :)
ooh, my lady friend kezzie beat will be there! she used to deliver pizzas to my house, and one time she came in, sat down and started eating one with me. legendary. :)
Does your wife know that? Or she your wife? :P
Eeek, las thing I want to do on the weekend if to go again to Old Street. But, oh well... count me in :P
Gutted to be missing this - I'll be in the Czech Republic instead... :-(
Okay, nullsleep and Syphus rule but I guess the rest are a bunch of emokids with a gameboy + lsdj making random breakcore bleepblop bullshit.
Gwem is far from an 'emokid with a gameboy' so shame on you cerror! Do your homework!
cerror: read again, it says GWEM :-)
syphus: would love to get down there to support you blud but I think that weekend might already be booked up :|
gasman allow me to make a suggestion, that frown should be a smile
cerror: lol, "its only good if i've heard of it before" is probably the worst comment a fellow musician can make. congrats!
Oeh gwem, I like gwem.
Met him once too.
Met him once too.
Minusbaby rocks too.
... unlike that flyer :(
... unlike that flyer :(
Except.. er.. it's closed on weekends, isn't it? So which is the closest/best *open* tube station?Nearest tube: Old Street
You have public transport stations that are closed on weekends? Jesus sweating Christ, what a fucking pisstake. Maybe Liverpool Street will do the job then...