navigation tool for releases from same group
category: general [glöplog]
It would be useful to have it.. you open a prod and you get links like <previous and next> ..
or just keep the group page open and do it manually. it's not that hard.
actually a great idea
Yeah that would be pretty neat. *mooor features*;
but most of all I would love a greyscale design :D
I agree. Also, since we're on the subject, I feel chocolate would make a good feature as well. You know, the kind with the cherry and cream in it. It would be useful to have.
I'd like a 256x256 sized animated avatar plus a signature with enough space to put the specs of all my computers. Also, the buttons on pouet are nowhere near shiny enough.
chriz74: sorted by what? date?
I think it's not a bad idea though...
I think it's not a bad idea though...
what about making a CSS-contribution-system just like the logo-upload feature?
psionice: If you want that, then I'm gonna want a star wars midi playing in the background.
Did I mention that it was flash avatars with sound? There's nothing quite like a page with 20+ lolcat avatars meowing simultaneously :)
Yeah, but then also add an "avatar" demotype so you can add your flash avatars to pouet. We also need an online avatar competition.
Insert random "Yo dawg" comment here.
Yo pimp I herd yo like pimping so I pimp your pimp so you can pimp while pimping.
random pt scener, you make a good point
@rare: yes sorted by date, .. so you wouldn't have to open all the links in other tabs and then get back to the main page to find another release etc..
another cool feature.. a page with thumbnails of all the releases from a group instead of just titles.. you could find faster what you are looking for..
or even a visual thumbnail navigator ipod touch style
sorted by date sounds nice.
image sizing algorithm that isn't gay