Making an ambient pad out of a jazz loop
category: general [glöplog]
ahhh... but can you make a jazz loop using only an ambient pad?
Is he teaching me? Oo
Well i found it sweet to see how an ambient loop can be made, nice vid :)
What if you just took a loop from that jazz tune in Vista and ran it through the ambient pad filter and made a 4k intro about it?
Nice vid!
Nice vid!
the problem with this tutorial is, that its simply a too old and way overused method of creating soundscapes. this is not ambient at all.
And, of course, that it isn't really a tutorial.
And, of course, that it isn't really sounding good.
Orangevocoder => does not sound very good.
first I read jazz poop
I'll pass (renoise ftw!). But whatever makes you happy.
I'll pass (renoise ftw!). But whatever makes you happy.
Doesn't actually sound good, though, does it. ;) And the idea of music that focuses more on sound than on rhythm or melody isn't new, either. It must date back to, well, the 1920s or something? It was quite popular in the 60s and 70s at least, and some artists have been doing it ever since then, while still being slightly mainstream (Jarre etc.).
doom: though calling Jarre non-melodic is also a bit harsh, don't you think? ;)
I would say in some of his work the emphasis is on sound and atmosphere rather than melody. Lately I'd call him far worse things than non-melodic, by the way.
This thread needs more Jeskola Buzz Machines.
Actually, it just needs to stay dead, really.