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MFC coding help

category: general [glöplog]
Ok, I must do something for some job and I had 2-3 days to finish it. It's a painting program, it's something simple to test me if I am hired or not in the job. 2-3 days are not much when you not shit about MFC which is a mess but I will ask you some simple questions because I must finish it till tomorrow.

1) I can draw shapes and lines with the MFC drawing commands, but is there a command in MFC that can draw an object like vector gfx, I mean like in Corel Draw and when I move the mouse above and click, there appears the 9 dots in the bounding box of the object where I can click and either move or scale it. I just ask if there is already something that I don't know and can save me time? If it doesn't I will try to do this alone..

2) In some programms, when you click on the color, a new window appears where you can edit colors or define custom colors from colorful RGB table with hues, sat, luminocity, etc. I think such reusable windows are Active-X controls? Then for that color thing I can reuse without writting much code, is it also an Active-X control or something I can have for ready? Some little tutorial of how to call it? (There is a list with several Active-X controls but I don't know which one it is)

3) I may ask a bit more..
added on the 2008-03-20 14:34:17 by Optimus Optimus
iirc your answer to (2) is the microsoft common control dilaog. As for (1), I dunno.
added on the 2008-03-20 14:45:16 by --- ---
"2-3 days are not much when you not shit about MFC"

Then i think you already know the answer to their question on wether you are the right candidate for this job. You don't wanna be hired only to be sacked for incompetence a few weeks later...just the way i look at things anyways.
added on the 2008-03-20 17:11:38 by Intrinsic Intrinsic
This is a job where you have to use MFC. Think about how hard you'd really want that... Sry. just my 50ct.
added on the 2008-03-20 18:58:29 by raer raer
Poor Optimuz...
added on the 2008-03-20 19:04:48 by hfr hfr
Then i think you already know the answer to their question on wether you are the right candidate for this job. You don't wanna be hired only to be sacked for incompetence a few weeks later...just the way i look at things anyways.

Yeah sure. I have thought this too. However, in that case I am not competent for any programming job here, because all the adds that ask programmers ask things that I don't know shit about, things companies needs, not for demomaking or something. I know strange, I see ever programmer add and I loose my self esteem. Maybe I should search for something else. But some people tell me no matter what it is, I can get into and learn it, that's why I think to try (but I am frustrated :P)

Hey, that vector programms, hmm,. the last is maybe what I need, if I knew this 2 days ago..
added on the 2008-03-20 20:16:01 by Optimus Optimus
Yes, I have just finished with everything else and the next step is to get a job. But I am veyr anxious about it, I don't know why :(
added on the 2008-03-20 20:16:53 by Optimus Optimus
why not telling them MFC is outdated ;)
added on the 2008-03-20 22:32:09 by Danzig Danzig
yes, there are 2 types of programming, hobby and work... dont feel dumb. nobody in industry knows assembly... probably you can learn anything, if you can force yourself to do something...most important thing in industry is to get the fucking job done in time, not to make a piece of art... life sucks :) , but thats how it is and somehow its comprehensible... good luck. consider yourself lucky, you code in C and not xml - javascript like i do... i would be happy to mfc :). good luck.
don't go dissing MFC... given the right extension libraries (www.codejock.com) you can do very nice things.
added on the 2008-03-20 22:50:26 by bartman bartman
Optimus: Yes, MFC is outdates and hard to learn. But when you start using it, you will see that it's not that hard but unpractical in many ways.

I wish you luck with your new job. If they pay you well, MFC is not a big deal for a programmer like you. If they don't, Greece is very close to Turkiye and I'm just building a software company here in a few months. keep that in mind ;)
added on the 2008-03-20 23:30:20 by Skate Skate


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