Demoscene in Italy?
category: general [glöplog]
Ciao mop, sono italiano ma vivo in germania. e sono un coder. mi ho specialisato in 4k es 64k...che cosa ti serve un artista per scene 3d ?
Metal Designer , Hedgehog, Fra, Stun, Case where areyou guys :)
Ciao a tutti!
Ciclope: No, ti ringrazio molto, però volevo sapere se c'erano sceners in Italia.
Effettivamente, vorrei pure partecipare un giorno in qualche progetto demo...
Effettivamente, vorrei pure partecipare un giorno in qualche progetto demo...
Magic: I wouldn't list Case among the "guys" anyway :)
Haven't heard from HDG since the irc times (which is 5 years ago for me, roughly), he was totally uninterested about the scene back then already. Same for MD...
About Stun, you can find him here.
Haven't heard from HDG since the irc times (which is 5 years ago for me, roughly), he was totally uninterested about the scene back then already. Same for MD...
About Stun, you can find him here.
hmm... They aren't really so much... But they're still alive! And I'm glad...
Dixan: Cmq quello che hai detto su it-alt.arti.demoscene riguardo il Bulletin Board "Pensate sia difficile creare una demo oggi?" mi fa un pò paura...
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