Riots in Belgrade
category: general [glöplog] sorries :(
Sad to see.
fucking idiots.
riots eh?? that sucks.
some people honestly think that religion causes wars. i'm pretty certain that nationalism is a bigger evil.
@skrebbel: well, if you look at the recent balkan conflicts, they were all caused mostly by religious intolerance and bigotry
Serbian/Kosovar stole my bike!
Nationalism is religion in a way. It's pretty much the same I think this belongs to me and I don't want you to take it even though I wouldn't be a different person if I (be)lived in some(thing/else)where.
I bet in the lootings they were all friends ;)
Nationalism is religion in a way. It's pretty much the same I think this belongs to me and I don't want you to take it even though I wouldn't be a different person if I (be)lived in some(thing/else)where.
I bet in the lootings they were all friends ;)
yes, fucking idiots. and i'm sad, because i live there(not in belgrade, but in that fucking country)...
Martin, by the way. Are you, or anyoen from Extrait coming to Breakpoint this year? :)
Those two idiotic sluts improve the situation simply. Many people would do it in their place, I am sure. The fights will be daily while shapes like this live thereabouts.
Maybe. If I manage to get a new passport and a visa on time, and if the things are going well, then yes. But time will show.
Maybe. If I manage to get a new passport and a visa on time, and if the things are going well, then yes. But time will show.
stop copying french people!! we have patents on riots!!
this riot uses ripped materials... riot are so 68's
Some australian serbs are protesting in australia, drawing nazi swastikas on our flag, and letting of flares becase we recognised kosovo as a separate state. crazy.
I don't know enough about it but it comes across that some serbian people treat kosovo as their 'heartland'. I find that intruiging, because I don't really know why, because if that was true, there would surely be a serbian majority living there and thus the state would have had a majority of people wanting to stay with serbia - and this independece, inacted by people of albanian descent, probably would have never happened. I think its quite hypocritical, but there have been australian serbs here say that this is like jerusalem being taken away from the jewish state. I think that's a bit much to be honest..
Who care's anyway, seriously? Its not like anything has happened that's bad. A border has moved, who gives a fuck? The land is still there, people can live there if they want to still. Its not the end of the world. Maybe someone should get down there and explain this to a few people.
I dunno, its all going on half a world away from me and I don't have a real appreciation for all the history and feelings of the people there I guess. I just know how happy the Kosovar albanian's are, because i've seen that on TV, and kosovar albanian refugees here are dancing in the streets.
I don't know enough about it but it comes across that some serbian people treat kosovo as their 'heartland'. I find that intruiging, because I don't really know why, because if that was true, there would surely be a serbian majority living there and thus the state would have had a majority of people wanting to stay with serbia - and this independece, inacted by people of albanian descent, probably would have never happened. I think its quite hypocritical, but there have been australian serbs here say that this is like jerusalem being taken away from the jewish state. I think that's a bit much to be honest..
Who care's anyway, seriously? Its not like anything has happened that's bad. A border has moved, who gives a fuck? The land is still there, people can live there if they want to still. Its not the end of the world. Maybe someone should get down there and explain this to a few people.
I dunno, its all going on half a world away from me and I don't have a real appreciation for all the history and feelings of the people there I guess. I just know how happy the Kosovar albanian's are, because i've seen that on TV, and kosovar albanian refugees here are dancing in the streets.
Humans are not prepared to live in modern societies. Thats why we need inteligent robots :)
Kosovars in Albania, Albanians in Serbia, Serbs in Kosovo... Serbs in Australia...
Couple of prostitutes stealin' shit. How does that help on the serbia/kosovo issue?-)

Kosovars in Albania, Albanians in Serbia, Serbs in Kosovo... Serbs in Australia...
Why the hell riot in Belgrade, when its Kosovo you are mad at??
Dont shit where you eat
Dont shit where you eat
in fact, WHY RIOT?
tft: the protest was against the west support to the unilateral independence of kosovo, not kosovo itself. most of the riot was infact aimed at desecrating embassies that supported the unilateral independance and recognized kosovo as an independant state. but as usual, human stupidity escalates quite easily to looting and such.
its quite sad to witness these events eitherway. regardless of what happens with official borders, those people will suffer even more economic setback than they already were suffering. dont see how an independant state of kosovo will help counter the corruption and instability that was already settled in that region, quite the contrary. fucking politics.
its quite sad to witness these events eitherway. regardless of what happens with official borders, those people will suffer even more economic setback than they already were suffering. dont see how an independant state of kosovo will help counter the corruption and instability that was already settled in that region, quite the contrary. fucking politics.
The impact of Kosovo's move goes FAR beyond anything, since it's practically a "pat in the back" of every minority in the world with self-governing ambitions.
Now, what do you think mmmmh let's say : "a part of Belgium" could do with such an example, uh ?
Now, what do you think mmmmh let's say : "a part of Belgium" could do with such an example, uh ?
more borders! more borders for individuals, while the companies roam free! that makes total sense!