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mobile phone 3d chip

category: general [glöplog]
j-ar: Any reason why you're specifically after the 535 (not the 520/530/540)?

yeah, i know. But I mean like reverse engineered info..


the board I have here has a 535. The other chips seem to be very similar, so info for them would be also ok ;)
added on the 2008-02-01 13:22:12 by arm1n arm1n
j-ar: Omap3? :)
slummy: Omap3 has SGX, that's right. But I don't think there is open documentation/code for that. The closest thing I could find is a MBX framebuffer driver for Linux..
added on the 2008-02-01 15:56:27 by arm1n arm1n
I was actually asking if that was what's on the board you have. :) I do agree with you though, that there is probably no open documentation for that.
To be honest I wouldn't expect you to get access to anything more lowlevel than the existing graphics drivers..
Actually, when having a second closer look to the Omap linux kernel sources there seems to be quite a bit of interesting display driver code (except all the 3d of course ;)...
Btw the board is this
added on the 2008-02-01 16:44:31 by arm1n arm1n
But you can't use it for anything. HAR HAR.
The current Qualcomm MSM7200 and MSM7500-based HTC touchscreen phones (like TyTN II or Polaris) have a GPU that seems to be derived from an ATI Imageon, but HTC refuses to deliver any drivers for them -- not even 2D works at decent speed :(
added on the 2008-02-04 09:44:21 by KeyJ KeyJ
KeyJ: No, they do in fact NOT derive from the ATI Imageon, as HTC has stated several times already :)
added on the 2008-02-04 09:50:06 by gloom gloom
gloom: The statement is quite unspecific. It says that HTC does not use the Imageon hardware -- but unless they have a special crippled-exclusively-for-HTC version of the MSM7200/7500, the hardware would still be there. It might not be an Imageon exactly, but at least something similar. The problem is that they just don't make any use of it (not even accelerated 2D drawing), and that's sad.
added on the 2008-02-05 12:47:33 by KeyJ KeyJ
KeyJ: It's almost as if they believe it would cost them extra support-resources if they exposed it to people... How silly!
KeyJ: Seriously - your argumentation is "HTC might not use _their own hardware_ to the fullest and therefore they deserve a class-action lawsuit and I reserve the right to be pissed about it, even though I could have returned that crappy phone I spent all my hard earned money on, but no; I'm gonna go on teh internets and WHINE about it" ...? :)
added on the 2008-02-05 18:54:31 by gloom gloom
gloom: I am not really whining. I have one of those phones, and it's sad, but hey, I'm gonna live with it. But I can *understand* those who are really complaining -- although in my opinion, that class-action lawsuit thing is certainly over the top.
added on the 2008-02-06 15:37:24 by KeyJ KeyJ


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