From radial blur to lenses!
category: general [glöplog]
it's time for hypnofish

you understand that we demand a screenshot once you've got this implemented, even if only to make sure you're not just making this thread to meet ps's "xernobyl three to one thread usefullness rule", right? :-)
Yah, this thread is really useful, 2 mins googling would've given you all the answers.
you, sir, have issues.
Yeah, but not with shaving opinions! ps is a wacko.
a nice and cuddly wacko, though. oh btw xernobyl, you at bp08? we need to talk.
Maybe. Are you gonna beat me because I'm mean?
Yah, this thread is really useful, 2 mins googling would've given you all the answers.
No it doesn't. It doesn't talk about experience doing it.
I've finally done this. Just so you know.
xerno: try or what do you mean by lensens? and maybe occasionlay searching for a paper on a subject than just floodding the bbs might work too. and yes this is very 2000 like hdr, aka old stuff.