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category: music [glöplog]
I use the DT990pro and I'm quite happy with em. (starting at ~147€)
added on the 2009-12-17 02:19:31 by xyz xyz
I have the same xperience with the DT990pro's, but be aware that they have a rather hefty 'burn-in' period of 50+ hours.
added on the 2009-12-17 02:40:18 by NoahR NoahR
all 'em speakers must learn, don't they :) I've been using mine for a couple of years now and yea, during the first two or three weeks I let them stay clear of chiptunes (which probably ruined my speakers, headphones and eventually certain mods back-in-the-days..)

I can also recommend the yamaha hs80m as monitor speakers.
which reminds me of hardy's recent oneliner contribution: Robeat - BeatboxRocker^^) (yea dude, you rule ;))

added on the 2009-12-17 02:58:18 by xyz xyz
i've seen many a coworker use those russian-looking GRADO LABS headphones. they must be good.

i myself use technics dj headphones (as i dj a lot on a hobby basis), but they are just sturdy and make an awful lot of noise in hi and low (which is what you want when you mix).

but i'd prefer the grado's for listening to a radix track.
added on the 2009-12-17 04:30:34 by superplek superplek
Remember someone saying on head-fi that the grados look like medievil torture devices!
They look pretty awesome!!!

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but with a price tag of 1700USD I would want to hear nothing less than the singing of angels every time I put them on. Even if I was listening to Slayer.
added on the 2009-12-17 14:44:24 by NoahR NoahR
Electrostatic headphones FTW!

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added on the 2009-12-17 14:46:59 by trc_wm trc_wm
trc: They may be the dogs bollocks, but there is no way on earth I'd let 500VDC go anywhere near my head unless I'm going in the electric chair!

BB Image Pure porn, but fugly as hell!
Better than a few hundred thousand volts on either side of your head.

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Plasma headphones.
added on the 2009-12-19 17:52:33 by micksam7 micksam7
Dear god! That's just bloody insane!
"Too bad the guy died -- he had so much potential.."..
added on the 2009-12-19 23:00:18 by trc_wm trc_wm
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added on the 2009-12-19 23:09:45 by neoneye neoneye

My cheap-and-trusty Sennheiser EH150s have fallen victim to cable breakage (and yeah, I know I could probably fix it with a soldering iron, but life's too short for that) so I'm on the lookout for a replacement.

What I'm wondering is, is it worth specifically looking for a pair with active noise cancellation (in particular: will that actually make it possible to compose music inside a noisy party hall) or am I better off just going for a decent quality, closed-cup, over-ear set? I'm not expecting to be able to do any pro-quality mastering in a hall full of people shouting "HALLO? WAS?" - frankly I'm a n00b at that side of audio production anyhow - but being able to *hear* what I'm doing would be a start. :-)

Obviously a pair that's over-ear *and* has active noise cancellation would be the best of both worlds, but between that and the rest of my wishlist (chargeable over USB, detachable cable, foldable) I'm not sure such a thing exists without spending the equivalent of the GDP of a small country.
added on the 2012-02-26 22:37:01 by gasman gasman
koss porta pro ftw
added on the 2012-02-26 22:39:31 by comankh comankh
Beyerdynamics DT880 pro and it feels good.
using akg k581 and akg k701... but nothing is better than real speakers like adam a7x with sub... *havetocheckthesek240*
added on the 2012-02-27 09:20:10 by dq dq
using the DT990pro for over an year now. i like them more than the akg series. ive dropped them over a hundred times from 1-2 meters. nothing happend to them. they work nearly perferct with creative's cmss. but they really need some power to kick in. a fast track pro hasn't enough at all.
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Bought these Just an hour ago.

Good for both metal&modules.

500 NOK.
added on the 2012-02-27 11:40:55 by Deus Deus
Deus: I have those lying right next to me and they start to hurt quite a bit after some while. And the sound is a bit of muffled and biased. They weren't too bad for their price (€35 in 2007), though, and they still work!
(and if you can afford them and like open headphones, I can absolutely recommend the AKG K 601!)
Saga: Well...here's hoping my big head makes a different, at the moment i think they fit quite snugly.

I just had to buy something because i was getting tired using earbuds.
added on the 2012-02-27 12:07:59 by Deus Deus
In my experience, there's four parameters to take into account:
1: Sound quality
2: Wearing comfort
3: Durability
4: Price

It doesn't matter that it's top notch quality, if they break the first time you transport them to a party. It's no good if you plan a 5 hour work-session and your ears hurt after 20 minutes. You won't be able to get anything done at all if you can't afford it. And your creations will sound like crap if the quality is not as precise as possible.

So go for a headset that scores great in all 4 categories.

I can highly recommend a headset that rests on your head _around_ your ears instead of _on_ your ears. Otherwise, you're gonna be sorry ;-)
added on the 2012-02-27 13:01:22 by Punqtured Punqtured
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added on the 2012-02-27 13:10:37 by w00t! w00t!


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