ID of a demo also pls..
category: general [glöplog]
I remember a (very good) demo from 96/97 for the pc. It was in grayscale and it had an effect of bump glass and lots of particles. There were some hand-drawn pictures of women in the background too I think.
wow. navis trolling. that's new.
no honestly. I've been trying to find it for yonks
Sounds like bakkslide 7 except for the pictures of women.
Mutha by Astroidea fits some of the bill...
frauen pausenlos?
also, perhaps one of the angeldust demos?
Bakkslide 7 ! yes thanks. I see there is a windows port since 2003 and it runs perfectly here. Good solid demo.
I can see no women in there I must have confused it with something else then..
I can see no women in there I must have confused it with something else then..
Bakkslide 7 is one of my all time favourites, and whoever did the windows port deserves plentiful beer. You can even run loads of copies of it simultaneously without slowdown, should you happen to like it that much.
i think it was mrock himself who ported it.. around same time he ported also zilog..
navis: no worries. i often see women in the background too.
in navis defense the lyrics did mention women alot :D