scene music stolen
category: music [glöplog]
nothing special there, except that somebody keeps on deleting comments "against" timbaland
army of nerds, please help
"it is from a video game idiot"
we are all from a videogame idiots!
The real comedy gold is that his fan boys and girls actually seem to think this makes it all work in their favor.
But yeah, I guess this means court.
But yeah, I guess this means court.
The music business have finally taken revenge on the demoscene that for years have sampled music from the music business.
note for tempest: if you see a car slowing down next to you, duck.
note for timbaland: if you see a car heading straight for you, duck.
Seriously though, that guy is retarded. He could have had some statements prepared from his lawyers or something, but no. I guess he doesn't need to, cause he's so good.
The keyboard thing isn't so bad though. I mean, you buy a musical instrument, take it out of the box, press some buttons and sounds come out. You can sort of understand how a less-than-brilliant man could assume it was ok to use any of the sounds, even if they come out when you press the "demo" button. And I wouldn't expect Casio to be very sympathetic if they smell an easy lawsuit. It's a little sad really.
The keyboard thing isn't so bad though. I mean, you buy a musical instrument, take it out of the box, press some buttons and sounds come out. You can sort of understand how a less-than-brilliant man could assume it was ok to use any of the sounds, even if they come out when you press the "demo" button. And I wouldn't expect Casio to be very sympathetic if they smell an easy lawsuit. It's a little sad really.
It is rumoured that the base of "Ice Box" was taken from the Dungeon Theme from The Legend of Zelda (composed by Koji Kondo), though no confirmation has been made. If confirmed, this would be the second case of plagiarism on the part of Timbaland in 2007 (see 2007 Timbaland plagiarism controversy). Nintendo of Japan are currently investigating.
(note: listened to both, close but no cigar.)
Timbaland's answer to this "controversy"
Timbaland's answer to this "controversy"
transcript needed
Ups... it was posted before...
xernobyl check backlog kthx
Yes transcript is available, and stop spreading the bad URL, the original clip is moderated by some fan of Timbaland and doesn't allow any comment not kissing Timba-ass.
The good URL is
The good URL is
Shrimp: actually people should keep commenting to the bad url just to send the message to that Timbaland groupie :-)
"I'm good"
Timbaland groupies as any other groupie is bags of fun and you can sit and stare att them for hours marveling about the wonders of nature and how the hell his/hers ancesters managed to survive on the savans of africa, in fact I think you could argue that they are the proof of Intelligent Design none of them ought be here according to Darwinism. But the effort to acctually sending a message across to a fan is to great and I would be happier if other people could be reached also. =)
"I'm good"

gargaj: that COULD be the dungeon zelda tune, slightly altered, but also it could not, and they'll have a much harder case at proving that since it's a way too easy note progression :( this is anyway off topic, but now if i could remember the name of the other band who sampled zelda II you'd have a much closer case :)
note progression is simple enough (insert Zelda joke here), but the similarities remain striking. At it's worst, it was the direct inspiration.
I like that this has sparked people going over Timbaland's work with a very fine comb. I'm sure the sharks will find a lot more to pick on. First person to find a youtube video of his studio where there's a NES in the background wins a beer.
I like that this has sparked people going over Timbaland's work with a very fine comb. I'm sure the sharks will find a lot more to pick on. First person to find a youtube video of his studio where there's a NES in the background wins a beer.