category: general [glöplog]
I was watching the ducky demo on the speccy and was scared by the following fact.
For a tiny moment I wondered: "Wait, wait, wait! What color do have ducks in real life?" And I thought yellow. But I wasn't sure. I had to google image it. To discover that ducks for baths are yellow plastic and so are the demoscene ducks too. But ducks in real life are not yellow. I have so much time to see a real living duck in real life and I had seen so many ducks in demo that for a tiny moment I was doubting about the color of real ducks! I thought that I would say a pond in nature and yellow ducks. I wasn't sure. I had to google in order to remember. The demoscene duck has pwned my own life!
Ah, yellow ducks. A form of true art in the scene!
For a tiny moment I wondered: "Wait, wait, wait! What color do have ducks in real life?" And I thought yellow. But I wasn't sure. I had to google image it. To discover that ducks for baths are yellow plastic and so are the demoscene ducks too. But ducks in real life are not yellow. I have so much time to see a real living duck in real life and I had seen so many ducks in demo that for a tiny moment I was doubting about the color of real ducks! I thought that I would say a pond in nature and yellow ducks. I wasn't sure. I had to google in order to remember. The demoscene duck has pwned my own life!
Ah, yellow ducks. A form of true art in the scene!
I always preferred metal-looking envymapped ducks.
they should send the greek army to Lebanon in order to keep the soldiers busy :>
mmm maybe not, we do care about our Optimus ;)
mmm maybe not, we do care about our Optimus ;)

Ducks are yellow when they hatch.
They don't get their actual colour until they get their feathers.

They don't get their actual colour until they get their feathers.

homosexual necrophiliac duck (and of course that had to be discovered by a dutch guy ;-)
Ah, now I get it. Lol!!!
sparcus: hehe yeh i saw a documentary about that. plus an excollegue of mine anecdoted a story that he saw a duck raping a dead female duck at Centreparks once. so necrophillia should be pretty common for ducks!!

right now this thread is probably saving my life
This thread needs more rabbits!

I saw a whooping crane yesterday. Or maybe it was a heron. It was a hundred metres away, so I didn't get a good look.

wtf is up with the second pic? Is the yellow thing a peeled pineapple with the leaves left? And the red thing, is it a someone in a diving suit? Or a monster? There were no monsters in hitman, no?
And is the poster supposed to say byterapers???
And is the poster supposed to say byterapers???
It's from Hitman: Blood Money. A guy with a chicken suit is being dumped into the dumpster.

ducks... and BASS