Stupid people, go away!
category: general [glöplog]
As of late, I have noticed an alarming tendency towards more and more silly persons in this so called "scene". I am therefore pondering starting an online petition against stupid people, since I really think they are annoying. Same goes for asswankers and general fuckups. If you know you are stupid and/or an asswanker, please save me the work of registering a petition at some zany petitions site, and quit the scene right now. Thanks in advance.
Kill yourself lamer, please.

*ka-click* ... Dud.
Pouet != Scene & Scene != Pouet
Pouet scene == Scene poetry

Lines are drawn, connections are made... A pattern is emerging...
You know why I'm in Mensa? :)

I found the davinci code in the internet puzzle. Oh noes.

We must worship the great chicken patriarch! Hail Xenu! Lord of everything.

We must worship the great chicken patriarch! Hail Xenu! Lord of everything.

Further evidence. Indians are american, fish = christian = american freemanson orders = the holy land = war in israel.
Computer technology is involved in this evil.
It's a fifth dimensional plot, devised in three dimensions of human thought and two dimensions of reptilian evil.
Fake radiants are about. Mind the details!
Or just mind the 'x', it clears all confusion.
someone shall teach you some pouet behaviours...
As you can see, I'm already well taught.
does it mean i can yell you STFU without any consequences? great!
STFU! :)
STFU! :)

no kukas vittu sä sit oot?