Interesting movie on 9/11
category: general [glöplog]
thom: They're famous magicians who also have a TV show called "Bullshit" where they talk about stuff they find to be bullshit. One of them doesn't speak, and the other is fat. I don't think they're on many European channels, but there's always the internets.
The show is very aggressive, but then they do make an effort to explain why all the anger is justified. Take the people who protest to try and get genetically modified crops banned, for example. They pretend to be peace-loving hippies, and they may even think that's what they are, but abolishing GM crops would kill countless millions of people, which makes it a very unnice thing to suggest for anyone who claims to know what he's talking about. Those particular pseudohippies deserve all the "fuck you"s anyone can throw at them.
It's actually a really good show, and they do bring up some very interesting issues, even though some of it is a little trivial, and some of it seems (at least to me) to be a little misguided. The show on conspiracy theories was a bit weak.
The show is very aggressive, but then they do make an effort to explain why all the anger is justified. Take the people who protest to try and get genetically modified crops banned, for example. They pretend to be peace-loving hippies, and they may even think that's what they are, but abolishing GM crops would kill countless millions of people, which makes it a very unnice thing to suggest for anyone who claims to know what he's talking about. Those particular pseudohippies deserve all the "fuck you"s anyone can throw at them.
It's actually a really good show, and they do bring up some very interesting issues, even though some of it is a little trivial, and some of it seems (at least to me) to be a little misguided. The show on conspiracy theories was a bit weak.
I'm not too fond of their method of finding the craziest person available who says something and then coming to the conclusion that because that particular nutter said so, everyone who says so is a nutter. But I do admit it is a rather entertaining show. As a viewing tip for Finns, it's shown on the TV channel JIM.
This whole thread is inane babble. Most of what you read or see is just to push a political agenda..whether it be for an American political party or another party to justify their anger.
Im not going to drag anybody into my opinion but it has been previously stated "why"?
To make America a fascist government? Yeah right, this sounds insane. Granted America doesnt do everything right, I dont think they would try to demolish their own country for a vote or favor. Bush will be gone with the next elections anyway. Who cares?
Im not going to drag anybody into my opinion but it has been previously stated "why"?
To make America a fascist government? Yeah right, this sounds insane. Granted America doesnt do everything right, I dont think they would try to demolish their own country for a vote or favor. Bush will be gone with the next elections anyway. Who cares?
They're famous magicians
Magicians??? Uhh... Okay. I guess that makes them qualified for in-depth political commentary.
Does this mean Noam Chomsky also writes books on magic?
They don't actually call it in-depth political commentary, and that's cause it's not. But the libertarian point of view is still interesting, especially with the way it's otherwise completely ignored in the media these days.
But that all depends up which media one pays attention to.
I tried to re-read this thread and my brain threw up.
Skimming through the acres of Francis P Yockey's 'approved' reading dumped on these very pages, I found this little gem below.
Guess he didn't check what he was posting very closely?
Skimming through the acres of Francis P Yockey's 'approved' reading dumped on these very pages, I found this little gem below.
Guess he didn't check what he was posting very closely?
The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz (By David Cole)
Preface by David Cole:
"It is an undisputed fact of history that, during World War II, the Germans ran a network of prison and labor camps, both in Germany and in the territories they controlled. Into these camps were sent Jews, prisoners-of-war, resistance fighters, Gypsies, and other people considered enemies of the Third Reich.
The largest of these camps was the one called Auschwitz, located in Poland. Those interned at Auschwitz came from all over Europe and consisted of men, women, and children. Those able to work were used as labor for the German war effort. Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Army in January of 1945.
But that is where the consensus ends.
Since the end of World War II we have been told repeatedly that many of these camps served a darker purpose: the genocide of six million Jews and the execution of five million non-Jews through the use of homicidal gas chambers in what is now commonly known as the "Holocaust." The largest number of people are said to have been murdered at Auschwitz.
But there are some people who maintain these claims of mass murder have never been proven. These people point to the lack of documentation other than the highly questionable and partially discredited evidence supplied by the Soviet Union at the Nuremberg Trials and the unreliable nature of the eyewitness testimonies, many of which have also been discredited. (For example, many former camp inmates, as well as American soldiers, still speak of "gassing" at the Dachau camp in Germany, even though it is no longer held that any [homicidal] gas chamber was ever in use at that camp.)
Still, the Holocaust is an event that has seemingly grown in importance since the end of the war, taught as fact...usually accepted without question.
But how do we know it really happened? What "proofs" are offered for those not willing to take history on faith alone?
This video deals with, among other things, one of those proofs, one piece in a very large puzzle: the supposed gas chamber at the Auschwitz Main Camp. This tape is the first in a series of tapes covering my September 1992 trip to Europe to investigate first hand the sites of the alleged "Final Solution."
It is by no means intended to be the last word on the controversy, but just the opposite. I hope this tape can begin an open debate that's long overdue: what is fact and what is simple wartime propanganda regarding the event we have come to know as the Holocaust."
I'm not too fond of their method of finding the craziest person available who says something and then coming to the conclusion that because that particular nutter said so, everyone who says so is a nutter.
Excactly - why don't they show someone like David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones or someone on this list of highly credible people questioning the official story? I haven't even heard of any of their nutters before. Wonder if they're actors hired for the occasion.
WTC buldings collapsing from the top down, just like in controlled demolitions. That doesn't actually happen, but you can still make the claim and get a lot (!) of people to agree with you that it's highly suspicious. By the time anyone ever manages to bring enough attention to the fact that controlled demolitions start at ground level, another dozen claims will have started to circulate.
Building 7 started from the ground and looked exactly like controlled demolition, according to experts. And about WTC 1+2, is there any good reason why explosives can't be detonated from top to bottom?
Excactly - why don't they show someone like David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones or someone on this list of highly credible people questioning the official story? I haven't even heard of any of their nutters before. Wonder if they're actors hired for the occasion.
They didn't pull those people out of their asses. They're there as examples of the kind of real people who perpetuate conspiracy theories despite being complete nutters. Your list there makes me think "evolution debate" for some odd reason. It looks a lot like quote mining, and even to the extent that it isn't, it's just a list of skeptics, not a list of people who assume there's a great big coverup going on. And keep their motivations in mind too. The first guy referenced says the official story is hard to believe because of the mind-boggling US defense budget, not because WTC7 looked like a controlled demolition or whatever.
Building 7 started from the ground and looked exactly like controlled demolition, according to experts. And about WTC 1+2, is there any good reason why explosives can't be detonated from top to bottom?
Apparently, that very same expert who thinks WTC7 was demolished also says WTC1+2 collapsed for the reasons given officially..? So either that guy is not an expert, or many of the other conspiracy "experts" are not experts, or experts can disagree. If experts can disagree, that means experts aren't always right. And, please be aware that you're distorting the truth by saying "according to experts" when you meant to say "according to SOME experts". Most experts buy the official explanation. But then, they're probably just part of the conspiracy, right?
And about WTC1+2, I'm sure you can demolish buldings from the top down with explosives. You could also fly passenger jets into them.
It looks a lot like quote mining
I haven't checked all the quotes, but at least there are some pretty big and growing organizations of people who criticize the official conspiracy theory, like Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice where the members have signed up voluntarily.
Apparently, that very same expert who thinks WTC7 was demolished also says WTC1+2 collapsed for the reasons given officially
I was just using him as a side note when debunking the claim that "WTC buldings collapsing from the top down", not as an all-knowing oracle.
Most experts buy the official explanation. But then, they're probably just part of the conspiracy, right?
They probably just fall for the old trick, that if something comes from the "authorities" then it can be believed without further research, like I did the first 4½ years. After all, the world is too complex for everyone to research everything, so most of what we think we know we just know because someone who is supposedly trustworthy has said so.
truther, I think this is a waste of time. I know the two versions of the story, yesterday I was reading the 9/11 official report and it was hilarious. To be honest I find the conspiracy stories much more documented and proved than that shitty report.
However, trying to convince others (specially here) is just a waste of time. In case the conspiracy theories were true we just don't have any chance or power to do anything at all, so, go back to normal life, and start wishing that the next president is the one that the people voted for :)
However, trying to convince others (specially here) is just a waste of time. In case the conspiracy theories were true we just don't have any chance or power to do anything at all, so, go back to normal life, and start wishing that the next president is the one that the people voted for :)
im all for posting information on Nikola Tesla, Ed Gray, Ed Leedskalnin, Walter Russell, Viktor Schauberger, John Ernst Worrell Keely, Thomas Henry Moray, Floyd "Sparky" Sweet and so forth, but please do advance it too, not just link it with all kinds of other information. an indian man has used pulsed DC current to extract hydrogen out of water. he is following the Dave Lawton circuit, which is a replication of the Stanley Meyer Water Fuel Cell. an indian man has used pulsed DC current to extract hydrogen out of water. he is following the Dave Lawton circuit, which is a replication of the Stanley Meyer Water Fuel Cell.
however the majority of posts about nikola tesla are ranting and raving against the u.s. government, illuminati, nwo, j.p. morgan, bankers, financiers, corporate interests and all.
the amount of people doing research into teslian technology (and i dont mean publishing a book on a shady HAARP installation or whatever, i mean ACTUAL research for RE-development of tesla technology, based on his patents and his notes, articles, lectures and interviews) - can be counted roughly with a hand comprising of half of a finger.
the amount of people doing research into teslian technology (and i dont mean publishing a book on a shady HAARP installation or whatever, i mean ACTUAL research for RE-development of tesla technology, based on his patents and his notes, articles, lectures and interviews) - can be counted roughly with a hand comprising of half of a finger.
+: If it's fine with discussions about French politics in French, then why not 9/11? Not like I think it's gonna save the world to discuss this on Pouet, but neither will going back to normal life, aka sleep.
Erik Dollard from the 1980s:
"Tesla longitudinal electricity a lab demonstration with Eric Dollard, Tom Brown and Peter Lindemann. On Tesla's longitudinal electricity and wireless transitions of dc power. Great practical demonstration on forgotten Tesla technologies."
"Tesla transverse and longitudinal electric waves"
dr. konstantin meyl from 2003:
"meyl shows tesla's longitudinal electricity transmission in washington d.c. at a tesla meeting in 2003"
"Tesla longitudinal electricity a lab demonstration with Eric Dollard, Tom Brown and Peter Lindemann. On Tesla's longitudinal electricity and wireless transitions of dc power. Great practical demonstration on forgotten Tesla technologies."
"Tesla transverse and longitudinal electric waves"
dr. konstantin meyl from 2003:
"meyl shows tesla's longitudinal electricity transmission in washington d.c. at a tesla meeting in 2003"
i have a big problem with people mentioning nikola tesla only to follow it up with 911,zionism,illuminati,nwo,the infamous protocols and so forth.
if theres anything that needs to be discussed its alternative energy technologies. most of these other issues stem from non-renewable energy sources, and the requirement to control them for monetary benefit.. - a great collection of articles written by Nikola Tesla, patents of his and the colorado springs notes.
very important stuff.
if theres anything that needs to be discussed its alternative energy technologies. most of these other issues stem from non-renewable energy sources, and the requirement to control them for monetary benefit.. - a great collection of articles written by Nikola Tesla, patents of his and the colorado springs notes.
very important stuff.
that lindemann "free energy secrets of cold electricity" is actually a quite decent documentary. however, he spends roughly 25 to 30 minutes of it reading from the Gerry Vassilatos book "secrets of cold war technology" - and its first chapter "Nikola Tesla and radiant energy". its quite interesting to see this type of stuff being so rampantly quoted, because this book is a good one for starting people into studying Tesla Impulse DC material.
especially since his (Tesla's) apparatus for producing ozone patent deliberately and obviously speaks of interrupting DC current as fast as possible - finding a specific frequency of connection and interruption, which then creates ozone.
especially since his (Tesla's) apparatus for producing ozone patent deliberately and obviously speaks of interrupting DC current as fast as possible - finding a specific frequency of connection and interruption, which then creates ozone.
btw francis whoever, id recommend you check through your immense list to see which movies have been removed. at least the lindemann ones are gone.
a great collection of articles written by Nikola Tesla, patents of his and the colorado springs notes. very important stuff.
But WTF does it have to do with 9/11? Start a new thread if it's so important.
im not sure what francis was after but he was the first guy i saw posting all kinds of compilations of various documentaries and some of those are worthwhile and some are not. the ones that are not worthwhile i ignore, and the ones that are worthwhile i focus on.
Tesla on 9/11
"" I showed that the universal medium is a gaseous body in which only longitudinal pulses can be propagated, involving alternating compressions and expansions similar to those produced by sound waves in the air. Thus, a wireless transmitter does not propagate Hertz waves, which are a myth, but sound waves in the ether, behaving in every respect like those in the air, except that, owing to the great elastic force and extremely small density of the medium, their speed is that of light."
(Source: "Pioneer Radio Engineer Gives Views on Power", published in the New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 11, 1932, [2, p.94 ].) "
Tesla on 9/11
"" I showed that the universal medium is a gaseous body in which only longitudinal pulses can be propagated, involving alternating compressions and expansions similar to those produced by sound waves in the air. Thus, a wireless transmitter does not propagate Hertz waves, which are a myth, but sound waves in the ether, behaving in every respect like those in the air, except that, owing to the great elastic force and extremely small density of the medium, their speed is that of light."
(Source: "Pioneer Radio Engineer Gives Views on Power", published in the New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 11, 1932, [2, p.94 ].) "
That sounds like a conspiracy theory!! ;)
is it just me or does that picture that cruzer posted look awfully much like a tag cloud?
(this one)

(this one)

Dear conspiracy theory nutjobs,
please tell me something about the private military company / security firm Blackwater USA.
please tell me something about the private military company / security firm Blackwater USA.