Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Haha, only possible in america.

i dont think they realise they'll have to fly over here to perth to picket the funeral...and i dont think any australians will put up with their pickets.
For being a congregation of 50 or so lony relatives of some old likewize lony geezer they sure know how to get attention. I remember "God hates Sweden"... *shiver*....

marvin: haha :D that'd be a cool newsflash! "hatefull god-geeks fly 20 hours to get put in jail"

Master Chief is really cool, but he afraid of my slow hardware =(

that notebook looks excellent

the notebook looks as excellent as crap
I think the notebook rules! I'd love my whole computer stuff to be done out like that...and my car!
Well, I've seen better steampunkish computer gear but it's definetly the way to go.

Did anyone notice they have a quote from Ephidrena in the paper?
Those bible quotes always look like IRC logs...
Those bible quotes always look like IRC logs...
[10:32]<Jesus^ir>Thou shall love your brothers.
[10:34]<Judas_15>& has sx wit you sista!111!11!!1eleven LULZzzzzzzzz

Jailbird, that has to be THE funniest image I've seen here. I have tears streaming down my face with laughter!!
megalulz for the jailbird! gotta print that!
where do these instructions come from?
Damn! I understand now why my little baby (10 days old) is not so happy...by seeing those advices, I may need to reconsider the way I'm handling her... :)

Jesus invented the glory hole. :O