Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Better than the original :D
Better than the original :D
What the heck! :D
The internet explode!

random lollipop image sequence thread? ;D

Now I have a photobucket account and can post Pouet stuff again. This is an oldie that was previously removed from my freeshell account because Pouet bandwidth killed my quota :P

Also WTF, my post there in the reflection says Bum.. it was the post about bump mapping and look the bump mapped ksqueeks I just posted. At the same time I noticed my cacodemon face in there after posting the bumbgeci squeek. A COINCIDENCE of my reptilian nature?!?!
Or,.. when have I posted a thread about bump mapping? I think it was voxels or something instead..

now, *that's* what i call a descent birthday cake