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Some questions

category: general [glöplog]
added on the 2005-09-07 17:53:08 by willbe willbe
ep: That was hilarious! Thanks so much for the laugh!
added on the 2005-09-07 18:00:09 by xeron xeron
Dear ep,...
(I hope your friend Adok will forward you this thread)
In fact they don't know reading because they don't take the time to.

They emphasis on totally useless things like grammar and spellings instead of focusing on aim, goal and meaning of an article / topic.

If the grammar is correct, we don't need to take that much time to read something. Actually grammar is one of the most important tools of a good writer (I'm sure Adok will say the same). It doesn't matter how good your ideas are, if you cannot write them down properly, people won't be able to read them. Don't point on their problems, look for your problems first and solve them as soon as possible. Have a look at your initial post, only the first two lines. Think about them. They are a direct invitation for trolls. Oh, trolls... Think about your last activities at pouet. Adding the 1 Byte "production" and calling optimus with his 0 Byte "production" a troll. I ask you: Who is the real troll? Who should grow up frist?

Btw: I'm aware of the fact that my English isn't perfect. But I try to work on that problem. You should do the same.
and nothing more
fucking dipshits
added on the 2005-09-09 08:39:05 by quisten quisten
ep: keep on rocking and trollin'! =))

my previous handles:

turod (the ultimate raiser of dipshit)
ear poppin' pieter

great, no? ;))
added on the 2005-09-09 09:37:57 by earx earx
well, he's gone now. huzzahhh! fuck him and the horse he rode in on (adok). i said it before and i'll say it again, fuck hugi, fuck pretentios art bastards, fuck all of you in the ear you fucking twats! FUCK YOU! YOU HEAR ME!! FUCK! SHOULD I FUCKING REPEAT MYSELF? FUCKTARDS?? HMMM!?? WELL, FUCK YOU!

oh god, that was relieving...

okkie opens an early-friday-beer-at-the-office (hey, it's lunchtime!)

added on the 2005-09-09 12:23:26 by okkie okkie
evenzo voedzaam als een krentebol! :)
added on the 2005-09-09 12:26:20 by el mal el mal


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