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Kubika#1 ONLINE!

category: general [glöplog]
Issue one of the multiplatform online diskmag Kubika by Iris has been released last night. Read articles, interviews, stories and watch photos about the C64, Amiga and PC Scene and the people behind..

Only had a quick view right now but it looks nice. It's just that I prefer real diskmags instead of this online mag. But it's lightyears better than SceneRep for example...
added on the 2005-08-17 07:44:50 by ghandy ghandy
seems quite nice, i'd take some quality time to go through all of that.

one thing sprang to my mind though .. the interview with fanta and djb seems somewhat familiar. how comes? =)
added on the 2005-08-17 11:19:14 by dalezr dalezr
Raise the "enter mag"-link to the top.
nice one, gotta read this in detail after the buenzli stress. let's see if this online mag is better than some other attempt that once was done ;-) first glimpse was promising, so i'm really looking forward to read it in detail. oh one thing, when you put the evoke invitation in there, copying text out of their website, you could have been doing the same for buenzli too.. :-)
added on the 2005-08-17 13:13:30 by unlock unlock
How much flame would I get if I'd take note of various ASM and SE photos being taken by me (which were uploaded to Slengpung) were used without asking for permission?
added on the 2005-08-17 14:57:51 by Gargaj Gargaj
Some of those articles seem to be several years old already. Nonetheless the best attempt at doing an online mag so far.
added on the 2005-08-17 15:05:26 by tomaes tomaes
First of all, it's NORWEGIA, not Novegia. That's that country where they have Fjorks and Sphoons and eat Haggifisk.

Second, stealing pix from other sites is lame and seriously reduces the quality of the mag to the point where one has to wonder if the next issue will just be copies of Pain and Jurassic Pack articles. Hell I almost expect to see complete Pouet BBS threads in the next issue.

Ripping is lame, and ripping from sceners (slengpung included) is something we have never supported in the scene. Take your own pix or ask for pix to be submitted to you.

Also, if you're gonna rip, rip the freaking titles with them. One of the TIJR pix got mangled to 'the small group' or something like that. It was a TIJR pic, dammit.

The articles themselves are good, and it's nice to read about Punter protocol again (Punter+++) and the layout isn't bad (would like to have a 'menu' option at the end of the articles, so I don't have to go moving the mouse up to the menu thing again. I know, it's more diskmag like; but this is a browser based thing and I'd like that tradeoff.)

All in all, a soiled start of a good mag due to the lame ripping.
(a minor issue with Firefox - appears that the scrolling downward occasionally occludes the top menu and introduces a big blank area at the bottom, which then occludes more content if you scroll back upward.)
good idea, old articles, bring something new, cut the depressive crap that scene is dead. fuck SCENEREP. you hear me patrick groove. SCENEREP sucks, hahahahaah.
added on the 2005-08-17 17:22:44 by uns3en_ uns3en_
gargaj: yeah, I noticed the very same thing. It would've been nice if they asked Slengpung permission, or at least credit the sources.

Also, squeezing 3:4 photos to 4:3 *ouch*
added on the 2005-08-17 18:05:01 by Shifter Shifter
hmmm, maybe giving it some interface would be better to give onlinemags at least more diskmag feeling? php and flash can do a lot these days and imho plain html is quite dull :P

fuckings for the lame ripping tho
added on the 2005-08-17 18:05:04 by el mal el mal
screw flash, see what po1, ribbon, and gasman did with just javascript and css at asm.

Seriously, no need for flash; and that diskmag interface could be straight up dope done with the right sort of DOM stuff.

Oh yes and the scene is dead bit was a bit lame, that and the diskmag scene is dead ... it's what you make of it. See other articles in the mag for proof of this.

Oh and the slagging of the return of Grapevine is classic, props for that (:
added on the 2005-08-17 20:33:25 by violator violator
love the idea, damn nice implementation. i hope this thread will cure them of all the ripping/reuse and turn next issue into a wonderful thing!!
added on the 2005-08-17 23:58:37 by skrebbel skrebbel
Really cool! One of the best online mags I've seen and I'm happy if that's the future of diskmags now.
Come on guys, don't be cry-babies. Some of the best demos contain ripped stuff. Even I wouldn't have any problems ripping pics or whatever from some source when I'd do it for the scene. (Actually the pouet bbs is a place which contains many "ripped" pictures.)

Besides that, the stupid stretching sucks. Really. But hey, "The first issue will be a project mainly done by one person".
madenmann: it's ok to use slenpung pics in your productions, half of the scene has probably done it by now.

but it would be damn nice to be credited for those pics. it's a single line "pics from slengpung" or "thanks to slengpung for the pics" or whatever :)

people seems like they're not realising that

a) we're actually doing a job every time we upload those pics, and it's not really a small one anymore.

b) damn we want fame and glory too!!
added on the 2005-08-18 07:15:41 by leijaa leijaa
@leia << to be famous is so nice!! ;)

i'll have a look to the mag now that someone told me to click on the bottom link which says "enter the mag"... before I thought it was not ready yet on the website... guys, that link should be straightforward!!!! no time for searching nowadays!
nice return to oldskool-format-magz
added on the 2005-08-18 09:31:51 by humphr3y humphr3y

Congratulations...it's really AMAZING!
added on the 2005-08-18 15:38:42 by orb orb
Madenmann: Prods with ripped assets mostly credit the original author though - this didn't happen here.
Face it, it wouldn't have taken too much to say "pics taken from Slengpung" as a sidenote, instead of just using them and basically crediting themselves for it. It destroyed the originality value.

The rest of the mag is rather cool though - then again it makes me wonder how old and original the articles are.
added on the 2005-08-18 16:21:36 by Gargaj Gargaj
madenmann: I'd like to add that we aren't screaming bloody murder about not getting credits either (we're getting used to it, I guess).

I would just have appreciated a "can we use these?" -> "sure, just remember to add credit for *insert original photographer here*, and maybe slengpung.com in there as well" thing.
added on the 2005-08-18 16:40:02 by Shifter Shifter
I've just taken a little glance at Kubika #1, but I like what I've seen so far. The multi-platform concept is good, the interface is also okay, the graphics are fine, and the music I can't rate for I haven't listened to it yet. I enjoyed seeing interviews with Scamp and Ghandy, two familiar people, and I was also fond of the Hugi screenshots in some of the articles.

Every successful diskmag depends on the commitment of one main person. If Adonis keeps his enthusiasm up, I think Kubika will have a bright future.

But I'd prefer having a easily printable version for on-screen reading isn't too healthy, as I've meanwhile realized myself.
added on the 2005-08-19 10:58:59 by Adok Adok
Hello there, great to see reactions from you people, good to see that people speak up with the things they have on their mind. I will try to comment the statements from this thread.

Gallery: Yes some pictures have been “ripped” and I should have asked the Slengpung staff or the people who submitted the pictures; but to be honest did not think people would complain about pictures. But never the less, it will not happen in the next issue. I see no reason not to give people the fame and credits they ask for 

Old Articles: Yes the interviews with the C64 sceners are old. My idea was to give the Amiga and PC sceners the chance to read about some of the known people on the C64 platform. So for I have had more people telling me they liked it and found it good. So what will change? I will most likely make a new section for those kind of interviews and make clear people know they are not new and then fill up the current interview section with new interviews, like the once with Ghandy and Scamp.

Credit Section: This was a brain haemorrhage I had in last minute and will be updated shortly with the right credits and also the right pictures if they exist.

Constructive Criticism: I am more than happy that people bring up all the issues they have, that was the main idea all the time; that the sceners move the magazine in the direction it should.
added on the 2005-08-19 11:22:52 by Adonis Adonis


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