will-b has too much free time
category: general [glöplog]
i think the title speaks for itself!
It seems that I also have too much free time, but never catch up to finish my scene dreams :(
(I want to do them all and I want them all perfect)
At least I am living hypercrazyactive.. ;P
(I want to do them all and I want them all perfect)
At least I am living hypercrazyactive.. ;P
are you jealous ? ;)

I also have way too much free time (no studies, no full-time job, no social life). Can I join the club?
And Optimus, we know you're a freak maniac but it's cool. <g>
And Optimus, we know you're a freak maniac but it's cool. <g>
I do have studies and job, but I rarely take care of them, nothing motivates me so much like demoscene, all the other bores me..
Freak maniac? I haven't heard that before! Hehe,. freak maniac,. it sound like a new term or something :)
It's so nice that you think it's cool! =)
Freak maniac? I haven't heard that before! Hehe,. freak maniac,. it sound like a new term or something :)
It's so nice that you think it's cool! =)
The deadline of my next article is approaching, but I'm surfing the web and ircing instead of working. I'd rather write articles about the scene than about how to use Notepad or Paint (you can probably guess how frustrating it is).
fonctionnaire !!
oh william my friend, i'm really just joking :P
oh william my friend, i'm really just joking :P
Is it even possible to have too much free time? If so, I'd like to have too much...
yes it is possible ..
but actually if you have such free time and you use it that's not free time anymore ..
but actually if you have such free time and you use it that's not free time anymore ..
It damn well is possible. And it sucks.
will-b's threads bring joy to my workdays.
keep it up! :)
keep it up! :)

i should lean bb code :D
How's this for joy on your workday :)

argh, fuck you ile... oh well: this makes for a good time to do a plug for Opera: one-click image-toggling!
i thought that the last one who did that got kicked for good..
or mozilla's right click "block images from this server"
/me pukes
please ile, go spread your illness elsewhere.
please ile, go spread your illness elsewhere.
i'm so sorry, here let me make it up to you

much better.
i way prefer a nice pussy.
i way prefer a nice pussy.

(testing bbcode with the best flag there is:)
stefan suxx !!!!! ;) IFKIFKIFKIFK
this post is the mother of all trolls out there, innit ?