Astroganga was the son of the Atom
category: general [glöplog]

please give me the number to your dealer, null
kusma, if you get a nice deal .. share your stuff at breakpoint. =)
After the fall of the so called "you know what" we reached Mr. Astroganga once known as the son of the Atom at his balcony speech.
".... and I'm telling you. This is the end. There's no way out. I was lucky to survive but you are dead already. That's why I will rule the land from this day forward." ... and the mass goes nuts ... "AstroGanga! AstroGanga! Lead us! Show us the way!"... Astroganga continues his speech " ... No I won't you mass of idiots. Just die already we need your ruins to build a new future over the misery of astroganger idiotics wannabes. So as I told you die already and shut up"
".... and I'm telling you. This is the end. There's no way out. I was lucky to survive but you are dead already. That's why I will rule the land from this day forward." ... and the mass goes nuts ... "AstroGanga! AstroGanga! Lead us! Show us the way!"... Astroganga continues his speech " ... No I won't you mass of idiots. Just die already we need your ruins to build a new future over the misery of astroganger idiotics wannabes. So as I told you die already and shut up"