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category: general [glöplog]

Stelthz: Jolie photo !
C'est toi, je suppose...
Dis "bonjour" as ta maman pour moi !
Et pense a prendre ton biberon a l'heure: tu en as bien besoin !
Translation :
Good photo !
This is you, I suppose...
Said "good day" to your mum for me !
And think to take your feeding bottle in time : you really need it !
C'est toi, je suppose...
Dis "bonjour" as ta maman pour moi !
Et pense a prendre ton biberon a l'heure: tu en as bien besoin !
Translation :
Good photo !
This is you, I suppose...
Said "good day" to your mum for me !
And think to take your feeding bottle in time : you really need it !