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category: general [glöplog]
Can anyone remember a c64 demo called "the larch" ? who made it.
And does anyone remember a c64 demo by kaktus and mahoney that featured the ocean loader 2 (i think it's called)

I cant remember if they are one and the same. But i have the tune (ocean) on my mind, and would really like to hear it again.
added on the 2004-12-02 18:36:20 by NoahR NoahR
*hugs okkie* mate you have no idea how happy i am. Thank you :)
added on the 2004-12-02 19:08:27 by NoahR NoahR
Yeah, okkie has no idea. :)
I wonder why this Xbox newschool kiddie knows where to find some oldschool music.
the larch 1-3/bones can be found at www.c64.ch, unless you are searching for the newer the larch/resource
added on the 2004-12-02 19:53:50 by hollowman hollowman
THATS THE ONE!!! Bones :) ..*hugs hollowman*

dont ya know it when you have a tune in your head, and remember some demo as "standing out" and just need to see it again.
added on the 2004-12-02 20:00:09 by NoahR NoahR
I wonder why this Xbox newschool kiddie knows where to find some oldschool music.

'newschool' hehehe..

*sadly celebrating 11 years in the demoscene by opening can of beer*
added on the 2004-12-02 22:21:44 by okkie okkie
No offence anyone, but it's supposed to be


...Okkie: 11 years? wow. same as me.
11!!! Years now? cool. We have to celebrate that.
Erm, that pic is maybe not worksafe. You can celebrate the 11 years in that worksafe version, too. :)
Thanks, MadenMann...

LOL, from now on it will be.
added on the 2004-12-03 19:31:29 by NoahR NoahR


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