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Wikipedia Genocide

category: general [glöplog]
haha.. and zone keeps on prancing around in his own little work.. please people stop doing this, i have work to do :)
added on the 2004-10-20 10:35:59 by okkie okkie
the first 'work' is ofcourse 'world'
added on the 2004-10-20 10:36:14 by okkie okkie
i want to say that i feel stupid when you say canada is america. i really do.
because its not. i dont know if its irony or just meant to annoy sceners from
canada but it sounds like fucking stupid because they're two different countries. mmmkay ?
added on the 2004-10-20 10:45:16 by uns3en_ uns3en_
added on the 2004-10-20 10:48:55 by lodda lodda
After searching for "America" on Wikipedia, I got the following result:

"The Americas (sometimes referred to as America) is the area including the land mass located between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, generally divided into North America and South America[...]"

When searching for "American", I found:

" [...] some think the common usage of "American" to refer to only people from the United States should be avoided in international contexts where it might cause confusion. [...] While the use of "American" to refer to people and places in other nations of the Americas was long fairly common in the United States, this use has declined in recent generations, to the point that some people are unconfortable with this usage."
added on the 2004-10-20 11:27:45 by chock chock
CHOCK! during this thread you should have learned that wikipedia is GENERALLY discriminating EVERYONE.
that includes canadians who are NO americans!
added on the 2004-10-20 11:40:48 by lodda lodda
note to the dutch: doesn't radman look like the rew used to, back in the day of CHOP?
added on the 2004-10-20 12:37:21 by Shifter Shifter
nuey: yeah.. he does kinda.. except he has black hear instead of the firery redness of rew :)
added on the 2004-10-20 12:46:44 by okkie okkie
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added on the 2004-10-20 13:34:00 by el mal el mal
radman rew and his northamerican berry's (aka ND ;))
added on the 2004-10-20 14:04:20 by havoc havoc
The Rew was one major reason for me to enter the pc scene. Thereforre he sucks.
added on the 2004-10-20 14:44:33 by kb_ kb_
.. and of course all people who look like him too. And Americans, which are all canadians anyway. Except Truck who's dorkyness is totally nationality independent.
added on the 2004-10-20 14:45:46 by kb_ kb_
You don't read a thread for about 20 hours and it is totally filled up...

"Just show me one thread that has not been pouetized to some certain extent"
threadid 2^10

"Coming to Europe and actually being more involved DOES help the perspective."
Haha Truck, most of the time you live in UK, this is like the Canada of Europe. They aren't really USA and they aren't really Europeans (at least the don't see themself as Europeans). ;)
But it's always nice to see you at a party.

I agree to what ps and gargaj said about the scene, no need of quoting that.
For the US-scene vs. European-scene thingy: I really liked to see mails from sceners from South Africa, Australia and China (!) in my mailbox in the days and weeks before Breakpoint and I really'd like to hear from a demoparty from that (and other) countries. I remember coma3 being commented as a really good party and really'd like to travel (at least) once to such a party outside Europe. But since this enormous amount of SPAM for one midsize party in/on websites and forums I visit regulary I don't have the wish to attend it. It's on you (people of the demoscene of the countries north of Mexico) to change this opinion - at the moment you are like "The Party" ... respect for it decreases more and more.

RaD Man: Some of your wikipedia-opinions make sense to me and I can agree to them, but there are some stupid ones, too. Keep the context in your mind while posting on the wiki. :)

And now for my favourite (and last) part of this post: bashing of Northern Dragons. :)
Guys, what do you want? I've read post from several members of yours and the only one who doesn't seem to be a dork (I know him and I respect him very much) comes from ... Europe.
We had fun with Patrick Groove and now with his mates, too.
Polaris... "[...] Canada is America simply because they are in North America; then obviously your are German if you are in Europe."
Ok, once again: Canada is _in_ America like Germany is _in_ Europe (Middle or Western Europe, to be clear). I see myself as European, have no problems being called European.
"[i][...] of the North American Demo scene.[i]" and a "I AM NOT AMERICAN" flag directly under it...
\o/ You aren't in the European demoscene, you aren't in the (North) American demoscene, you are in the demoscene of ... haha, must be the 3rd world then. :)

Make demos, not war! :)
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^^ I like how all of the "exceptions" are complete BS.
added on the 2004-10-20 15:33:55 by Shifter Shifter

(vote bush)

added on the 2004-10-20 16:32:30 by okkie okkie
As a proud German (according to ND), I'd like to take this opportunity to say:

Heil Bush!
added on the 2004-10-20 16:49:50 by havoc havoc
Genau! Bush ist weltmeister!
added on the 2004-10-20 18:17:20 by el mal el mal
und Havoc ist de grootmeester van het schetenlaten!
added on the 2004-10-20 18:30:08 by keops keops
UK, this is like the Canada of Europe. They aren't really USA and they aren't really Europeans

Now I'm really confused. Am I British, Canadian, American, or European...?

Man, I feel a citizenship identiy crisis looming over the horizon.
thom: Use the power of your brain, it helps. :)

Canada is neither the USA nor in Amera.
British ppl often declare (as I've read in the media) they aren't European. We all know, they (at least the government) sympathize very much with the USA (economy, politics, bla) - but they aren't (in) the USA, ... yet.

If my view of the UK is wrong, please correct me.
While the British government might regularly kiss up to the US, the average man on the street has a low, burning contempt for "Americans".
added on the 2004-10-20 22:49:05 by SiW SiW
I checked bash.org for 'Canadian' and I discovered that they all live in igloos, so I guess they aren't part of North America, but instead, antarctica.

So, hail to our proud Antarctican brothers and sisters from Canada!
Nothern Dragons eat raw fish!
added on the 2004-10-20 23:05:13 by okkie okkie
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pot, meet kettle!
added on the 2004-10-20 23:32:19 by Shifter Shifter
zone, WORD.
added on the 2004-10-21 00:52:07 by dipswitch dipswitch


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