What was the coolest prize you won at a party??
category: general [glöplog]
From MFX+Farbrausch prize money from a former party MFX members paid beer for the Mekka and Symposium 2001 (or 2002?) visitors. I got a free beer because MFX won a compo at another party? \o/
the 80s porn movies from Kindergarden last year were hilarious :D Im still not out of ketchup after Solskogen this year either.. The little remotecontrolled car from Solskogen was cool too :)
heh.. i can still remember back in the days when you would get "one micro popcorn from micro" at kindergarden...
but for myself. I guess the gold duck from the trsac 2002 demo compo.
at least none of the other things i've won are still on display in my room :)
plastic flowers + tshirt + condom + poster at this years altstork was ok though...
but for myself. I guess the gold duck from the trsac 2002 demo compo.
at least none of the other things i've won are still on display in my room :)
plastic flowers + tshirt + condom + poster at this years altstork was ok though...
madenmann: it kinda didn't go that way.. farb-rausch guys wanted to give us their prize (or part of it) from the party 2001 since they thought that we should've placed higher in the introcompo instead of their productions. For one reason or a nother they finally decided to give us the prize in beer. 20 fuckin' crates of it. Naturally the 5+ mfx members at mekka'02 couldn't drink (nor carry) all that beer so we decided its better to give it to the people. Unfortunately for us, this did not positively affect our placement in the democompo at mekka :-(
uncle-x: In fact it was YOU who wanted the prize money in beer (i can dig out the email if you want ;)
next time a trsac is held, if i get a price, i wan't the duck to be filled with FRESH COLD SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE!!
kb_: infact it was nosfe who told me we should ask the prizemoney in beer ;-)
I have won everything from ketchup to OS/2 to a whole bunch of money. The last price I won was a drink ticket that's only valid in Portugal!
The cash I spent, the ketchup I gave to nosfe and the OS/2 I threw away. The drink ticket I wanted to give to ps, but he insists I have to come to pt and use it myself.
The cash I spent, the ketchup I gave to nosfe and the OS/2 I threw away. The drink ticket I wanted to give to ps, but he insists I have to come to pt and use it myself.
And I have won a really really really silly nerd-jacket (with pockets for laptop and large coke bottles) that I luckily mangaged to trade for a MindCandy dvd and some cash :D
we won a suse linux distribution with german manuals and instruction cd's at some dialogos :)
a trip to mekka2000 ^^
I won...... uhm... they booed of my raster effect :/
A coffee machine. Donated it to a fellow scener who desperately needed one. :) The douglas adams book was a neat price too.
Not to forget the t-shirt with a big fat microsoft logo on its back. ;)
Not to forget the t-shirt with a big fat microsoft logo on its back. ;)
money :-) i've won nothing else yet.
A mousepad!
oh i forgot: sceen issue 1.
slippers.. that went to ile/aardbei ;)
72 cans of beer.
a supadupa gaming mousepad!
... at a lanparty though :>
... at a lanparty though :>
Traditional cake and liquor from the democompo at Horde07.
A book of slovenian children tales (in slovenian) from the introcompo at Abort 98.
A CD-holder covered in fake zebra skin and a pair of scissors from the democompo at Iradium 06.
A steerable kite from the democompo at SceneEvent06.
A book of slovenian children tales (in slovenian) from the introcompo at Abort 98.
A CD-holder covered in fake zebra skin and a pair of scissors from the democompo at Iradium 06.
A steerable kite from the democompo at SceneEvent06.
a c64 with maaany disks at Breakpoint 2000

among other weird gadgets, for this prod:
used them once or twice for stunt car racer, well footpedals and joystick instead of wheel was no go even after spliff... still have them somewhere heh...
Empty cardboard box as the 1st prize at kindergarden 97.
Commodore 386 laptop as the 1st prize at kg 2000.
~3000 euros cash from a bunch of compos at some Gathering.
Horse candy and horse comic as the 1st prize at mfx+kewlers 2003.
Commodore 386 laptop as the 1st prize at kg 2000.
~3000 euros cash from a bunch of compos at some Gathering.
Horse candy and horse comic as the 1st prize at mfx+kewlers 2003.
Worth noting; the cardboard box was empty, but it had Arcanes realname on it!
A wooden plaquette with an empty permament marker sticked to it