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looking for a 3d demo: white house, eye balls, walk in the park

category: general [glöplog]
hi there,

i've been looking for a demo for years. i don't know even if it's a scene prod oder maybe even more a demo file or separate demo files for some 3d program.

i saw it as a kid on one of my uncle's computers - which was probably an amiga, but could also have been a dos pc.

the demo consisted of various 3d filled vector graphic scenes (no textures, just colors). i remember the following 3 scenes:

- the white house (camera flying around the building)
- eye balls floating around in space (with the camera also flying around them, at the end flying towards one eye and into its pupil)
- a walk in the park (first person view, lamp posts on each side of the path)

in my memory these scenes all had a black background (i.e. night, especially the park). however, i could be wrong. a few years back i found the following ad for an amiga 600:

click to see amiga600 ad with 3d white house on screen

while i'm not entirely sure, i think it's very likely that this scene could be exactly that white house scene from the demo (except that i thought it had a black sky, but this could be just a false memory - but also of course the ad could also cause a deceptive memory and it might have nothing to do with the demo after all).

does anybody know which demo i'm talking about? i would really love to see it again someday.

added on the 2024-07-21 15:20:59 by ZeHa ZeHa
I remember flying into the eye and into its pupil from a CGI animation. Could have been from a CGI animation on VHS. Was one of these in this list:
The Mind's Eye (1990)
Beyond the Mind's Eye (1992)
The Gate to the Mind's Eye (1994)
Odyssey Into the Mind's Eye (1996)

Ive seen many DOS demos, but dont recall those scenes. Could have been on Amiga (which I didnt have).

You could look through them quickly and see if any of the memories match. Do you remember if it was music, and if so, was it one tune through the entire demo/animation or were there different music for the different parts.

I think most demos back then had black background because the framebuffer or video-memory usually was cleared faster with zeros, which represented black color. so you might be right that it wasnt from that image you posted. if it was from that image, then it could well probablly be a rendered animation you're looking for. so there are a few 3d animation software from that time you can check out.
added on the 2024-07-24 14:40:23 by rudi rudi
hi rudi,

thanks for the reply! yes those rendered videos are very interesting and in fact there is a scene with an eyeball :)

however i am very sure that the demo(s) i'm looking for were a computer program running in real time. i searched a bit more and found the following:


this is very similar in style, so maybe it was created with AMOS 3D?

as for sound, i'm pretty sure there was no sound at all, but this could also be due to the speakers being powered off or something. however, if it's really a 3D creator software demo or something, it would be very likely that there is really no sound. but i can't be sure.

i also tried to look through a few demos videos from 3d creation software already, such as 3d Studio or 3D Construction Kit and so on, but sadly i couldn't find any of those scenes. however the picture on the A600 ad could in fact very likely be something from such a program.
added on the 2024-07-25 17:45:03 by ZeHa ZeHa
ZeHa, the screen in the image you linked is indeed from 3D Construction Kit II
added on the 2024-07-25 20:50:30 by Caradhraz Caradhraz
A bit short and probably not this but, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b6XJOjrwRw
thats a FLI/FLC animation from Autodesk etc. quite popular fileformats for animation in the early 90s.
added on the 2024-07-30 00:30:00 by rudi rudi
Is this the eye balls flying around in space scene @ 11:05 ?
eye balls flying around @ 11:05
added on the 2024-07-30 01:00:58 by MrVainSCL MrVainSCL
WOW - that IS indeed super close to what I remember! Even the eye color (brown) matches my memory! Also the whole movement of the eyeballs and the focus into one of the eyes...

So it could have been this after all. Too bad the other parts are not seen in the video, because that would finally confirm it :)

I also checked a few other videos but didn't find these parts so far. Maybe I have to find an old version of the software and see if it's in one of the sample files...
added on the 2024-07-31 13:06:32 by ZeHa ZeHa
visy has a great FLI gallery; e.g. is this the "white house"?

BB Image
added on the 2024-07-31 13:21:14 by Gargaj Gargaj
It's possible, although it doesn't match my memory 100% right now. However, what indeed does match is the black sky - the one thing I did find suspicious in the Amiga 600 ad.

Also, the camera flying around it like that does in fact match. So it is indeed possible.

However, I really remember these scenes to be a bit more "realtime", i.e. not rendered. But it's been a long time ago, I was maybe somwhere between 8 and 10 years old, so who knows.

Now if we do find the walk in the park scene (night time, lanterns, a straight path, first person view), the case can be closed :D
added on the 2024-07-31 14:31:37 by ZeHa ZeHa
However, I really remember these scenes to be a bit more "realtime", i.e. not rendered.

It's possible that all of these were just assets that someone downloaded from a BBS or something and then put in a demo - still good to have them as visual reference for future use though.
added on the 2024-07-31 15:27:40 by Gargaj Gargaj
is there any way to contact visy (the user) here? or tell him about this thread? maybe he knows if there are some more files that he didn't upload?

didn't find a PM button here but i'm also new to this site. on csdb he cannot be contacted, as his account is inactive.
added on the 2024-07-31 17:13:21 by ZeHa ZeHa
hey, I gathered these from archive.org’s CD image collection, mostly from old BBS ISO images (there’s a filetype search on the site that can be used to search for FLI/FLC only)

As for the clips you’re describing I don’t know what those could be offhand, but maybe you could find it. Best of luck to the search
added on the 2024-07-31 17:30:41 by visy visy
I think this is the guy (visy, a finish demo artist) ...

PouetUser - visy
LinkedIn - Visa-Valtteri Pimiä.
Github -
added on the 2024-07-31 18:17:41 by MrVainSCL MrVainSCL
ohhh.. I just saw that visy personally replied in this thread. cool.
added on the 2024-07-31 18:53:31 by MrVainSCL MrVainSCL
I googled the name of the eyeball demo (EYEBALLC.FLI) and found a YouTube channel who uploaded loads of these demos:


Funnily, he uploaded it a few days ago, just when we were discussing here, but I think that's a coincidence because he's been doing this before as well.

I even now found something that COULD be the "walk in the park", though I remember it to be more minimalistic than that:


In my memory, the sky was pitch black and the trees weren't there. It looked a lot more surreal by that. HOWEVER, as I said it's been a long time. Also, it could of course be possible that there exists another version of this particular animation, with less scenery - who knows.

So all in all, I'm pretty sure that this stuff IS in fact the stuff I've been looking for, as we've found all 3 scenes now. Though as I said, the walk in the park might have been a different version. The house was a bit different in my memory as well, but seeing it multiple times now, I'm fairly sure this is it.

Thanks again for all your answers and your help!
added on the 2024-08-08 12:39:49 by ZeHa ZeHa
heh, speaking of FLI animations, I remember one of a helicopter chase where it loops back to the pilot and ends on his sunglasses.

Can;t find it anywhere on those channels, so if anyone finds that one hit me up!
added on the 2024-08-08 14:01:42 by okkie okkie
not FLI/FLC animations; but some cool and well known animations sorted by artists, games...

Nice collection of anims
added on the 2024-08-08 20:12:41 by MrVainSCL MrVainSCL
Is this your "walk in the park" scene?

youtube - landscape
added on the 2024-08-11 19:49:09 by MrVainSCL MrVainSCL
as mentioned in my previous post - very likely, yes :) it's not 100% as in my memory, but since all three scenes exist as such a FLI video, and some other parameters are true for all these videos (e.g. no sound, black (or almost black) background, mostly low poly style, separate files, short duration), i conclude that this MUST be it :)
added on the 2024-08-17 00:58:13 by ZeHa ZeHa


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