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Anyone named Miklos here and from Hungary? - Amiga swapping

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Hi everyone,

I'm still swapping, albeat much slower than in the past, and received a parcel in the mail from M. B. Miklos. It recently arrived here, but there is was no letter enclosed. No handle on the envelope either. Enlclosed was a sealed package of 10 disks, but nothing else. I will reply to this request for swapping of course, but thought maybe I'd try to find out who it was before sending. ;-)

So, if you M. B. Miklos is around here, please reply. I can confirm your package arrived safely. :-D

Cheers and have a good weekend all!

added on the 2022-07-02 15:44:21 by puni^void puni^void
he is your man.... https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=102121
hey! glad it arrived. i can only read fat12 and ext2 formatted floppies on pc, have no amiga, altho did emulate it. use dem floppies to swap with your amiga friends, its meant to be a gift.
added on the 2022-07-04 18:56:42 by MKCKoner MKCKoner
you can send stuff but *dont.send.my.disks.back* ;)
added on the 2022-07-04 19:07:56 by MKCKoner MKCKoner
Hi there! :-) Wow, thanks for the gift! Much appreciated! I will send you something in the mail soon. Cheers! :-)
added on the 2022-07-05 23:01:13 by puni^void puni^void


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