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Looking to commission artwork.

category: general [glöplog]
Hello. I am looking to commission a piece of artwork for a 12" record cover. I need someone who has the experience of illustrating stuff destined for print, but that carries all the demoscene "luggage" and share the same cultural references. I.E I am not looking for pure pixel art or ANSI, but someone who knows how to allude to such styles and palettes without overcooking it into a retro piece, if that makes any sense? This is a paid job, of course. If you are interested, please o/ at me with a way to get in touch so that we can discuss.
Edit: not obligatory but if you are Belgian, Dutch but especially flemmish and grew up in the 80s that would be a big plus.
I really wish i could help you. I know some concept artist that could do such a work but none of them are much into Demo, ASCII or pixel art, making this response kind of useless i guess but i'll talk to them about your demand at least it could widen your chances of finding someone.

I really love what you do btw ^^
added on the 2020-02-07 14:35:26 by Mestaty Mestaty
<3 <3
Hey dubmood, I do vectors, hit me up at: design @ sonic-media dot dk
I dunno if I can do what you want, but I guess we can chat :]
added on the 2020-02-07 18:41:42 by SnC SnC


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