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Use of UE et cetera

category: general [glöplog]
Well.. I must admit that when eg cocoon make a demo with some “smash signature effects”, I feel underwhelmed. I guess that’s more comparable to the amen break?
added on the 2018-08-21 16:59:08 by farfar farfar
so, perhaps derpiipo can submit the orange demo to this... some more love for demoscene stuff outside the demoscene wouldn't hurt. http://www.cgsociety.org/news/article/4003/calling-artists-working-in-unreal-engine
added on the 2018-08-21 17:05:21 by el mal el mal
oh, deadline expired.. blame cgsociety for not noticing that ;)
added on the 2018-08-21 17:09:05 by el mal el mal
yzi: yes, if they get disproportionate praise for their ”technical achievement” with zero credit for it.
added on the 2018-08-21 21:03:28 by msqrt msqrt
it's all about the effort:praise coefficient.
added on the 2018-08-22 05:48:38 by bloodnok bloodnok
So I guess my question is something like: why does it appear to be "okay" for musicians to heavily rely on sampling (i.e. using something made by someone else), but not for coders? And if so, why is that in light of the demoscene's origin in the cracking scene?
There is nothing wrong with sampling when used as an artform. Throw a few samples in the mix and you'll end up with a better track. Sample to much and you'll get backlash, no matter how beautiful the endresult is. (Still in love with that demo though, however I consider it unfair use). I think the demoscene choose a different path than the crackingscene a long time ago. A lot of people here write software for a living and probably don't appreciate it if it gets stolen and resold. Although I guess just as like sampling, illegal use of a work for strictly educational purposes in a non-commercial sense is "ok". That isn't a lost sale:that person had no money to buy it to begin with. The same goes for the use of Notch/UE4:few people have the skills (and time) to write such software. This differs from using a line of code from shadertory.

Well.. I must admit that when eg cocoon make a demo with some “smash signature effects”, I feel underwhelmed. I guess that’s more comparable to the amen break?
No one should be underwhelmed by the amen break! That just means the musician didn't chopped it up harsh and loud enough.
added on the 2018-08-22 08:57:48 by numtek numtek
as in "in no other engines" or "not without engines"?
I'm having a hard time seeing how you'd improve, say, the 4k workflow much by using an engine. You can't use any of the provided rendering help and you definitely can't use the engine itself. The timeline editors etc could be usable, but then again most 4ks have procedural camera paths etc exactly because storing them explicitly would take too much space.
For 64ks they might be neat tho, if just for directing.

not without engines.

Creating scenes and characters is much easier with assets like this https://kev.town/raymarching-toolkit/ (btw. which is now free for CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 use!). Check out the examples and it's future road map that mentions 4k intros.
And I do see that with some work you can create simple Unity assets that help to create the mathematical functions to do the camera path more visually and a lot of the timeline information can be modified into functions that compresses well. And even if that's not always the case some still can potentially create better results than algorithmically themselves even though they'd have to be careful with the size limit. Sure some of those kind of assets are still missing from Unity but some people are working on it right now.

Not without engines? No, but you as an artist you could rely on an engine created by another person or another group to functions as your end framework which the Unity asset uses as an export platform, which is then compiled to an executable. Unity asset could export to a source code to compile or set of instructions that the engine would use to create the scenes.
added on the 2018-08-26 23:33:08 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
Wow. I've read all the thread. I'm proud of myself and wanted to share.

See, that's what the scene is about: do something you're proud of, and share it. It can be about arranging bits in a specific order so your 16 bytes actually does something when you press enter, or it can be about being able to actually do something interesting with the latest sample collection, or 16 ugly colors and a very specific charset. Or the latest commercial engine.

Cheating, and fooling the crowd, can also be a funny feat to pull off. But I don't get how this whole discussion is so much about competition and regulations. Cheating to win is never fun.
And anyway, no matter what is my source material, I'm the cool dude who found it / thought about using it. And if it's very common material, well I'm the cool dude who finally got to use it in a new or innovative way.

Someone was talking about loop samples for code. Well, there's a shit ton of libraries and algorithms and tutorials. Nothing's really new but you can still be very creative with it. And like a good DJ, the hardest part is staying current with what's out there.
added on the 2018-08-27 04:59:38 by BarZoule BarZoule
I'd be surprised if you start clicking tracks together made entirely of commercial construction kit loops though.

Entirely? Nah, of course not. But I’ve used elements from sample kits, sure. This is especially true for vocals, but sometimes I start a track using placeholders and some of them just stay in because I like them. I have zero qualms or regrets about it too :) I very much subscribe to Beeple’s philosophy.
added on the 2018-08-27 11:55:02 by gloom gloom
I built the soundtrack of http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=59148 entirely out of a single samplepack (I got the pack and just started putting together samples to get an idea how the pack sounds and then the end result sounded kinda cool) and noone seems to have minded :)
added on the 2018-08-27 16:10:29 by Gargaj Gargaj


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