evoke 2018 | 17th to 19th of August | Cologne, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
and then make it rewind to gain full length!
So looking forward to tomorrow!
styx: of course! it´s your first demoparty! ;)
me too, btw! HYYYPEEED!
me too, btw! HYYYPEEED!
Yes, finally!
How is chatting done nowadays. Do poeple still use IRC or only twitch or whatnot? No exactly a cool kid anymore... Is there an Evoke IRC channel?
Btw. Does someboy here know "michu/ed" (polish? guy) I got some of his tunes (xm/mod) through "gentleman" years ago and would maybe like to use one of them in the demo (when it gets done for Evoke, which I heavily doubt atm).
Btw. Does someboy here know "michu/ed" (polish? guy) I got some of his tunes (xm/mod) through "gentleman" years ago and would maybe like to use one of them in the demo (when it gets done for Evoke, which I heavily doubt atm).
On my way to evoke and pretty hyped as well! Looking forward to seeing you all!
raer: there's #evoke on ircnet. I don't use twitch much, so I don't know about it
raer: to my knowledge they are still unreleased. one got used in a ravebusters release afaik.
michu should have no problems with using one of his tunes as long as you credit him.
enjoy EVOKE guys!
michu should have no problems with using one of his tunes as long as you credit him.
enjoy EVOKE guys!
Very nice shader from Flopine, but Hardy totally delivered.
Hardy did what he did nicely, but not for the last time. Also, poor sportsmanship.
Thanks gentleman! Coool! Let's chat or meet when I'm back from evoke. Are you still in HBNord?
Could someone please systematically go through rows and slap whoever is doing this?

will live stream work again? it's been offline since last night.
what bonefish said
I slapped myself and stopped the script - I'll contact you on IRC about what data I'm trying to grab here - sorry for the DOS, I thought the server would handle it.
any chance the pc demo deadline gets moved a bit?
still working on a release from home atm, some more time to finalize stuff would be great..
still working on a release from home atm, some more time to finalize stuff would be great..
5EUR.any chance the pc demo deadline gets moved a bit?
still working on a release from home atm, some more time to finalize stuff would be great..
"demoscene: a subculture where programmers and graphic artists put visuals on virgill's music."
mabla pacraistu. that was awesome. really sad I couldn't be there now
Whahahahahaha @ the “DOS”
Poobrain put in a really strong entry into the 64k holy shieit
Poobrain put in a really strong entry into the 64k holy shieit
Finally got home and -wow- what a blast. Awesome 64 k and 4k stuff and wicked music and gfx. Had a lot of nice talks, and big thanks to Ozan for Wurst.
Hugs to all who are still there - have an awesome rest of the party!
Hugs to all who are still there - have an awesome rest of the party!
hey guys i'm here so when does evoke being?
evoke results are up: https://www.pouet.net/party_results.php?which=18&when=2018&font=4
releases will follow tomorrow
releases will follow tomorrow
That was lovely! Thanks for all the music, releases, votes, shenanigans and fun. Once again Pizzeria il futuro was delicious. Loved the Shady Showdown!
Congrats aswell for hitting that magical 500 vistitor mark. [x] achievement unlocked. You can always rent the adjacent hangars right?
Congrats aswell for hitting that magical 500 vistitor mark. [x] achievement unlocked. You can always rent the adjacent hangars right?
Great party! Tanks to everyone!
Now the after party blues kicks in once again. /o\
Now the after party blues kicks in once again. /o\