Right way to add demozoo links to existing prods?
category: general [glöplog]
Basic question, but Google searching isn't bringing me the answer. When submitting a new prod, you can provide its demozoo ID. For existing prods, the "edit" box doesn't have the same fields. Do you add demozoo as an extra link? I had one rejected recently, so I think I'm missing something.
Would a gloperator please clarify, and update the FAQ? Thanks!
2017-03-20 14:18:26 | prod: picorulez by Razor 1911 | add a new extra link to a prod | no :: dz links go extra
Would a gloperator please clarify, and update the FAQ? Thanks!
You need to report csdb and Demozoo IDs in the FMB thread for now. Alternatively, implement this feature request. :)
FMB == fix me beautifull
Just in case someone searches for this information and doesn´t know what an FMB is after finding this thread! ;)
Just in case someone searches for this information and doesn´t know what an FMB is after finding this thread! ;)
The easiest way is to just add Pouet links to Demozoo, there's a script to pull data from there to here.
I prefer the geeky simplicity of Pouet.net, and indeed every one of the 1,040 demos I have in my collection are named directly from their Pouet.net titles, regardless if they're 100% correct or not.
Thanks for the answers! How often does the script run?
How often do you remind me to run it? :D