Kickstarter for Atari ST Demoscene Book
category: general [glöplog]
Hey guys, I only want you to know that the book is officially released. It contains 400 pages of hot Atari ST narration. For orders just visit my new shop at Microzeit
Best regards,
Best regards,
Just finished to read it.
That was interesting, however I have to admit that I found the book too much focused on TEX and a bit of the Union.
Yes that was indicated in the kickstarter page ;) However I'm sure (but I do not really know the ST scene) there were other tricks inventors at the same period (probably more on the game side than on the demo side as it was for the Amstrad CPC).
Anyway I would back for the second volume if it will be done
That was interesting, however I have to admit that I found the book too much focused on TEX and a bit of the Union.
Yes that was indicated in the kickstarter page ;) However I'm sure (but I do not really know the ST scene) there were other tricks inventors at the same period (probably more on the game side than on the demo side as it was for the Amstrad CPC).
Anyway I would back for the second volume if it will be done
The presented content-mix worked really well for me. Thalion almost made me buy an ST back then, so I was glad seeing them covered in detail. The book helped me better appreciate the platform that I never had. And it looks gorgeous, too. Recommended!
5000 books 17x24 cm 196 pages 135 gramms paper, fullcolour hardcover matte finished double sided € 7698 excl. VAT. Just a random web based printer in the Netherlands. So that's € 1.54 per book as material costs.
The Volume 2 campaign is officially started. Actually rocking 10K!
If you want to help, follow the mouse ...
Meet you there,
If you want to help, follow the mouse ...
Meet you there,
The Netherland based web-printer example would be even better than any of the East European ones. Even a Chinese printer could not keep up with those prices. Really insane what you have searched for! I know many prices, but this one would really crack any competition worldwide.
I don’t know how this could be feasible for the printer. Really. Btw, we use thread sewn binding and all pages are varnished. Two factories have to do this. Furthermore a 120 raster is more fine than the usual 70 and the book uses a round spine.
Btw, I switched the platform. Please come by and support the new campaign: Volume 2
I don’t know how this could be feasible for the printer. Really. Btw, we use thread sewn binding and all pages are varnished. Two factories have to do this. Furthermore a 120 raster is more fine than the usual 70 and the book uses a round spine.
Btw, I switched the platform. Please come by and support the new campaign: Volume 2
5000 books 17x24 cm 196 pages 135 gramms paper, fullcolour hardcover matte finished double sided € 7698 excl. VAT. Just a random web based printer in the Netherlands. So that's € 1.54 per book as material costs.
Here an example of a random web based printer in Germany:

Truth betold, VJSLOF's price is no bullshit, I get a similar price from 3 different vendors when I setup an order with the parameters he proposes. But of course those parameters are quite different from the ones Rockabit uses, so Rockabit is not really wrong either, just looking a bit silly for arguing a rather different point so aggressively. Which is sad, it should behove Rockabit to focus on promoting his book project, not trying to slag off random commentators. Don't you understand that as a salesman and as a promotor, engaging in such heated arguments reflects badly on your public image, no matter if you are right or wrong?