North America / west coast / PNW
category: general [glöplog]
Do we have enough sceners in this area for a meetup? Maybe sofascene one of the big Euro parties on a projector, bang out a fastprod or two, or just shoot the shit drinking craft beers...
I'm in Victoria BC ... who else is around?
I'm in Victoria BC ... who else is around?
Seattle has a meetup every now and then:
if you feel like helping andr00 ( a party as well, he'd be happy. I'm providing consulting support.
p.s. he runs that meetup. folks like ryg go there.
I am in north CA.. Seattle is a bit far away -_-
mr_spiv, you might find people closer to you. NVScene and Layerone demoparties were in California.
Cool stuff, joined the meetup group and got in touch with Andr00. A real Seattle party would be beyond awesome.
Mr Spiv, it's not that far in the grand scheme of things, the NA scene is kind of spread out. I've travelled a lot farther for worse reasons :)
Mr Spiv, it's not that far in the grand scheme of things, the NA scene is kind of spread out. I've travelled a lot farther for worse reasons :)
Barring family issues, I'm available to attend any NA party if the hotel cost isn't astronomical. Hire Me For Your Next Event!
Trixter: oh good, well I'm told you'll have a reason to return to Massachusetts once more. (;
(although that's just what some guy who might know told me)
I'm in Seattle area too. :) Though I'm moving to trixter's town in a few weeks I'll come back for any scene events.
Blackpawn: Warning, there hasn't been any demoscene activity in Chi-town since 1997.
Just bumping this thread... not much activity on the Meetup group. Haven't heard back from Andr00 either.
I could try to host something here, I have access to the university where there are nice conference rooms with big(ish) screens, etc. Would need to have some idea that people will come of course. :) There are also plenty of nice brew pubs in this town & the local dollar is cheap too.
I could try to host something here, I have access to the university where there are nice conference rooms with big(ish) screens, etc. Would need to have some idea that people will come of course. :) There are also plenty of nice brew pubs in this town & the local dollar is cheap too.