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iOS now free to develop for.. (sort of)

category: general [glöplog]
Besides, the European smartphone market is mostly Android anyway

Thats very very true from a handsets sold perspective, but with mobile applications, its still iOS First

My immediate circle of friends, family and even co-workers almost everyone has iPhones (and iPads) (my mum has two iPads she uses at the same time, and dad has his own too). Two guys at work have windows phones, and I'm the only person who has a windows tablet as well. I only know two people with Android phones. One only got it because he can't afford anything else and always buys the cheapest that'll take a microsd card and play mp3s. the other because he wants a bigger one than everyone else. My girlfriend does have a very old blackberry phone with keyboard she refuses to upgrade though! (and an ipad mini...).

I'm expecting Windows tablets to sneak up on android and iOS over the next five years though.
added on the 2015-06-19 15:58:23 by Canopy Canopy
rob: what about some 'press button to start demo and press button for information about demoscene'-wrapper around every demo for 'interactivity'? :)

canopy: you need better friends then! Most of mine have android based phones and the few that do have Apple products are those Apple fanboys/girls who play the 'my phone is so supereasy compared to your shit android crap' that i doubt they'd bother installing a demo in the first place. As for tablets, ipads are indeed leading that market, but tablets are mostly used by people who wanna browse the news while watching TV with the husband/wifey and you don't wanna blast shitty sounding demo soundtracks through The Bold And The Beautiful or the wifey will get very angry!
added on the 2015-06-19 18:19:18 by el mal el mal
and there's the shadertoy app, and i believe its interactivity is being able to pick which shader to load from shadertoy.com, and possibly the mouse x,y that some use?

there are other apps that expose full shader editing so that kind of thing is possible.

.. I'd like to get on Xcode7 right now

randomly having a conversation about torrents at work and if you really want it.. xcode 7 beta is on some trackers (not tpb, but kick ass torrents has a link).
added on the 2015-06-19 18:31:03 by Canopy Canopy


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