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fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
added on the 2005-01-11 22:10:46 by jazzman jazzman
Providing some working link would be cool next time . ;)
heh, sorry... thx for fixing
added on the 2005-01-12 02:05:59 by jazzman jazzman

Should be 1996, not 1995, according to Gravity 1996 results
added on the 2005-01-12 08:07:37 by shash shash

Should have http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=2018 as group.

(sorry, this one was my fault :( )
added on the 2005-01-12 08:35:06 by shash shash
"6" icon ( 64 bytes ) is really f.n ugly :(
could you please replace it with something like "G" ( stays for games ) in corresponding color ?
added on the 2005-01-12 10:42:49 by apricot apricot
gargaj: this is what you get for trying to help ;)
added on the 2005-01-12 11:22:31 by psenough psenough
broken download link on http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=10539

plz use

thanks :)
added on the 2005-01-12 19:23:57 by rawhed rawhed
All your errors are belong to css. :-)
'scrollbar-3d-light-color' and 'scrollbar-dark-shadow-color' (in the 'body' section of the css file) should be 'scrollbar-3dlight-color' and 'scrollbar-darkshadow-color' (dashes only after the 'scrollbar' and before the 'color'.
That way, pouet will have 1337 flat scrollbars :-)

Best regards to all and happy b-day (with dash!) wishes to Optimus :-)
added on the 2005-01-13 00:45:34 by prodigy prodigy
...of course you can also correct them on-the-fly with a proxy, such as the proxomitron :-)
added on the 2005-01-13 01:03:48 by prodigy prodigy
Please remove my comments on http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=13261 .

Had just slept for 11 hours and misunderstood everything. I look stupid :D
prodigy: ? internet claims the oposite and ie confirms it.
added on the 2005-01-13 10:05:06 by psenough psenough
thanks :D
ps: Scrollbar style sheet stuff are (as you probably already know) Microsoft extensions to CSS. The first hit in google for scrollbar-3d-light-color (with or without the dash in 3d-light) returns the corresponding page from MS documentation (http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/dhtml/reference/properties/scrollbar3dlightcolor.asp).
I have Opera 8b and IE6 here, and the scrollbar & the two buttons are blue with a bevel when using the syntax with the extra dash. When this dash is removed, the scrollbar + buttons are totally flat 'n' blue 'n' cool! :-)
I suppose some coders mistyped when writing tools and documentation?... :-)
added on the 2005-01-14 03:22:59 by prodigy prodigy
well.. on firefox i get no recoloring at all
and when i tested it on ie6, it looked flat n blue n _uncool_ with the extra dashes... i didnt do the original css so i think im just gonna leave it as it is for now, maybe analogue/stil will agree with you later on.. i'll ask him/them next time i spot him/them
added on the 2005-01-14 05:30:00 by psenough psenough
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=12685 is dupe, please delete. perhaps it would be possible to merge coments with the earlier added one?
added on the 2005-01-14 19:18:42 by dipswitch dipswitch
prodigy + ps: being a standards advocate I'm rather for the removal of those bastardized CSS proprerties.

Oh, and the other day I tried to make an XHTML+CSS version of this very page of Pouet, just to see. The size dropped by 50%. I don't know if the bandwidth has an impact on the hostings fees of Pouet, but solely for the download and rendering time it may be worth trying to rework the pages.
added on the 2005-01-14 19:37:24 by p01 p01
Why do I have "fakeuser" on my account? :[
added on the 2005-01-14 22:18:33 by Beef Beef
Beef: 'coz everybody knows there's no black dragon in Bubble Bobble. There's just Bub BB Image and Bob BB Image , thus your fakeuser status.
added on the 2005-01-14 23:20:00 by p01 p01
poi : it's darkhero ^^ dont you know ?
added on the 2005-01-14 23:36:39 by apricot apricot
broken link (someone added a '20' between 'takeover' and '01' :)
so, this is the right one
added on the 2005-01-15 01:13:16 by rmeht rmeht
rmeht: fixed. Back in the days, some party names really included the YYYY information, not only YY as it's now for (nearly) all parties.
Alternative Image for the Evoke 2000 invitation.

Btw, I'd recomend it, when screenshots would've a fixed minimal resolution, because I really hate it when people like skypher add some bad screenshots just for the glöps:
Tales about the biggest dynamo ever built,
just because they are too lame to make them thereself or to resize the bigger images from the party website to fit the 400x300 maximum. If the display resolution is below that minimum, there is enough space for a 2x2-screenshot with 4 pics. Problem solved. ;)

New screenshots for the named releases will follow soon.
http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=7457 is a dupe, sorry. please delete.
added on the 2005-01-15 13:22:00 by dipswitch dipswitch


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