A lighter topic...
category: general [glöplog]
Nice photos! She is not naked but looks more beautifull than your sister :)
And Pouet suxx because the scene suxx anyways :P
I'd like her (^^^^^^) to suxx!:)
please do take in mind she's 14 years old (she'll turn 15 in june)
She's got too childish looks. Is she old enough for PornPoint anyway? I vote for Okkie's Sister!
you can vote what you want eye/midiclub, but my sister will not come to breakpoint! :)
Okkie: I thought your idea for a 'lighter' thread was quite good, even though its purpose obviously failed in such a miserable way.
But posting pictures of your young female relatives here was a bad idea. Totally. I mean, they are pretty, and you problably managed to lighten-up some lamers here by providing them a good (and free) opportunity to jerk-off, but do you really feel comfortable about that? I know I wouldn't.
But posting pictures of your young female relatives here was a bad idea. Totally. I mean, they are pretty, and you problably managed to lighten-up some lamers here by providing them a good (and free) opportunity to jerk-off, but do you really feel comfortable about that? I know I wouldn't.
I think i'm not coming to BP either. ;(
eye/midiclub: When talking about 'jerk-off', I was not thinking about you, if that's what you understood.
Especially for all pouet-wankers, here's a picture of my aunt:
And NO, we are not coming to Breakpoint. Unless you pay us. Well maybe anyway.
wow! she looks almost as sexy as my grand mother!
MoT: you have such a pathetic viewpoint on people : not everyone is vicious (like you?)... we can still enjoy beautiful girl photos without any lustful thought... and many gfx artists are inspired by such photos (who wouldn't be by the way : they often lead to winning pics in demoparties ;)
</flame would be a pity in this so-called "lighter topic">
</flame would be a pity in this so-called "lighter topic">
if it ain't dutch it ain't much
Maybe I'll get lucky

As it goes, it goes even better. Havocs aunt is even more beautifull. But I vote for that Cthuloid alien thingy thing =)))
okkie (and the other posters): thanx for this stupid thread.. ;)
(pouet.. always good for a jolly good laugh..)
(pouet.. always good for a jolly good laugh..)
Weyland forced me to do this:

My apologies for wasting your bandwidth.

My apologies for wasting your bandwidth.
Okkie: Your family can lighten up my tensions :)
Or wait.. They already have... grr...
Or wait.. They already have... grr...
I wouldn't trust Okkie. I think he posted up mild pictures from his porn collection!
you think i would do that? o_O
I can testify that she is, in fact, Okkie's sister.
Havoc: I never ! nu komen er nog meer duitsers onze fietsen halen ! :P
oh man.. threads all get to the same point after 20 posts or so..
moT is right: Microsoft sucks. That's the bottom line of all this talking :-)
moT is right: Microsoft sucks. That's the bottom line of all this talking :-)
i have seen the thumbnail of Okkie's "niece" on one of those nasty TGPs which only link to other of a kind but no real pictures. I mean, a thumbnail of exactly that pic. Well, this may have gone another way around, they may have copied it from here? It was among very recent stuff.
Either way, Okkie should be ashamed of himself. ;)
Should i try to find a link again?
Either way, Okkie should be ashamed of himself. ;)
Should i try to find a link again?