Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
the greatest keyboard ever created in the history of mankind!
je cica
entropy > you're sucking at flicker linking for days, please resign
yep. agreed.
cutest thing ever:
Nazi's in Denmark? I always thought that country was so open, cool and tolerant....
origin of picture is http://saatchi.no/case/sos_rasisme_Nazi_Gay_Parade_eng.pdf
yo dawg, I heard you like being a hypocrite........so we put racism in your anti-racism cause.
Now you can hate a race while anti-race hatin
Now you can hate a race while anti-race hatin
LOL snoutmate!!
i've changed to this instead:
i've changed to this instead:
whoa, it wasn't before the picture with the gun that I realized that it was cg - I'm not very awake yet, though, that might have something to do with it.